Chapter 59 - DeJa Vu

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A/N - Hope You Like. Plus Hope Everyone Has Read StrangeDesires The 'Please Save Me' Series, There's Two Incredibly Amazing Stories. Xoxo


Chloe had a feeling that something bad was going to happen in school today and she didn't want too go incase she was right, Rachel however was adamant that she was going "Chloe you're being paranoid, nothing is going too happen" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm not taking the risk" Rachel sighed "you're going and that's final, Aubree is already dressed" Chloe groaned "whatever". Chloe eventually got dressed and went downstairs where Aubree was standing against the safety gate giggling "ma" Chloe grinned.

Arriving at school Chloe really wanted to go home "seriously, I've got that de ja vu, something is gonna happen today" Rachel rolled her eyes "Chloe everything is gonna be fine" Chloe groaned and she took Aubree over to where Charlotte was standing "you don't look happy" Chloe sighed "I have a bad sense of deja vu" Charlotte frowned "why you think that?" Chloe shrugged "had a dream about this day the other night" Charlotte smiled "that doesn't mean anything, what happened in this dream?" Chloe looked at her "Bolton and Paul got into a fight and Paul pushed Bolton in the road and he got hit by a car" Charlotte was shocked she knew why Chloe was freaked "that might not happen" Chloe sighed "yeah, hopefully".

All morning Chloe was freaking out "calm down, nothing has happened yet" Chloe sighed "it was around lunch time when it happened and its nearing lunchtime now" Chlo was actually concerned "Chloe everything is gonna be alright" Chloe groaned "that's exactly what you said in this dream" Chlo frowned "its just a coincidence" Chloe nodded but she remained convinced that something was going to happen.

Walking out of the canteen Chloe and Charlotte were talking when Chlo spoke up "what are they arguing about?" Chloe looked up and paled, it was Bolton and Paul that were fighting "oh god no" Charlotte frowned and looked at Chloe who was shaking "look just because their fighting doesn't mean anything bad is gonna happen" Chloe wasn't listening and watched as Bolton and Paul went outside, she decided too follow them "Chloe, where you going?" Chloe turned to them "they're obviously arguing and that argument will probably turn into a fight" Charlotte couldn't speak so she followed Chloe outside and sure enough Bolton and Paul were outside the school gates fighting "Chloe?" Chloe had gone after them too try and stop the fight "Chloe!" Charlotte took off after Chloe.

Chloe was attempting to break the fight up between Bolton and Paul but she wasn't succeding and Paul pushed Bolton into the road "real hard innit, pushing someone in a road" Chloe was shaking as Charlotte approached them "Bolton get out the road" Bolton looked at Charlotte and shook his head "thinks he's hard 'cos he pushed me in the road, all he is is a little shrimp" Chloe didn't realise that Max,Chris and Rachel had all come outside "Smilie out the road now" Bolton sighed and went to walk out the road when a car came speeding towards him and hit into him sending him flying "no!" Chloe attempted too run into the road but Chris took hold of her "Chloe no" Chloe started fighting against Chris "no get off me, please get off" Chloe got him off her and she ran into the road "Bolton, don't you dare leave me, I'm being serious" Charlotte stood crying as Chris wrapped his arm around her shoulder "look its gonna be alright, he'll be fine" Charlotte wasn't convinced, Max was trying to coax Chloe away from Bolton but she wouldn't move "he needs an ambulance" "there's one coming Chloe" Chloe glared "I'm not leaving until the ambulance is here".

Chloe stayed with Bolton until the ambulance came and Candeece went with him "Chloe let's get you inside" Chloe turned too her mum "I told you something was going too happen today, and look what happened" Rachel sighed "Chloe you couldn't have predicted this" Chloe rolled her eyes "I did though, I had a dream the other night that this would happen and it has" Charlotte pulled Chloe into a hug and let her cry "its gonna be alright, Bolton is a fighter, he'll live" Chloe wasn't convinced as Charlotte took her inside "what happened? We heard sirens" Chloe looked at Chlo "Bolton got pushed into the road by Paul and a car came and hit him" Chlo paled "he's not?" Chloe shrugged "haven't been told anything".

Chloe sat in the common room crying when Max walked in "Chloe?" Chloe looked up "he's not?" Max sighed "we haven't heard yet" Chloe didn't know weather too be relieved that thee had been no news "you just came too tell me there's no news?" Max looked at her "the police want too talk to you about what you saw" Chloe frowned "Bolton and Paul were fighting and Paul pushed Bolton" Max saw the sadness in her eyes "how about I take Aubree tonight?" Chloe shook her head "no I wanna keep her with me" Max nodded "I'll have her the weekend" Chloe nodded and Max kissed her on the cheek.

When school had finished Chloe collected Aubree from the creche and made her way to her mum's car "Chloe are you alright?" Chloe turned to Chlo "yeah I'm fine" Chlo smiled "text me later yeah?" Chloe nodded "yeah, alright, see you". Arriving home Chloe placed Aubree in the playpen as she was asleep and logged onto facebook -

Chloe 'AubreeLeigh Mason - really hoping @Bolton Smilie is going too be alright :( WR needs the badboy Smilie. Xoxo

Logging off she had her dinner and then fell asleep. She woke a few hours later when her phone rang, looking she saw it was Max -


Chloe - hello?

Max - there's been some news from the hospital

Chloe - he's not?

Max - he's been rushed to surgery, there's a bleed on his brain

Chloe - he's gonna die isn't he?

Max - its not looking good, you might need too prepare yourself

Chloe - alright, thanks for telling me


Chloe hung up and looked at Aubree who was still asleep and sighed knowing she would have to wake Aubree up in order too get her changed for bed. When Aubree was ready she put her in the cot and watched as she fell asleep.


A/N - Wow, This Took Me An Hour Too Write, I'm Impressed xD. There's Gonna Be Some Chloe/Max In The Next Update Just Working Out What. Hope You Likeed. Xoxo

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