Chapter 79 - He's Been Caught

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A/N - This Chapter Is Probably Gonna Be Crap As I Have No Inspiration For It.

Hoping I Can Get Another Chapter Posted Tonight.

Hope You Like xoxo


Rachel was working on paperwork that the LEA needed so Chloe was sitting upstairs with Aubree. She didn't know how long she had been working when the phone rang -


Rachel - hello?

Police - is this the parent of Chloe Mason?

Rachel - yeah, is everything alright?

Police - we have some news regarding your daughters attack

Rachel - what's that?

Police - we believe we have caught the person who did it and we were hoping that Chloe could identify him

Rachel - I'll have to ask her

Police - thank you Miss.Mason. We'll be in touch tomorrow.


Rachel hung up and sighed this was going to be hard to explain to Chloe when she had just gotten over what happened, she walked up to Chloe's room and knocked the door "yeah?" Rachel walked in and saw Chloe sitting on her bed with Aubree "Chloe we need to talk" Chloe frowned "I didn't do it" Rachel smiled "this isn't going to be easy but I need to tell you" Chloe nodded "okay, spill" Rachel took a deep breath "the police called, and they've got the person who attacked you" Rachel saw the colour drain from Chloe's face "wh-what?" Rachel sighed "they've got him and they want you to identify him in a line-up" Chloe frowned "do I have to?" "That's up to you love, however if you want him in prison then I'd say do it" Chloe nodded "I'll do it, I'll go and take Aubree to Max's, he can have her tonight and I'll do this tomorrow" Rachel smiled "alright".

While walking to Max's Chloe was in shock, she didn't think they would catch the person who attacked her. When she got to Max's she saw his car there so walked up the path and knocked the door. Max got a shock when he saw Chloe standing on his doorstep "is everything alright?" Chloe shook her head "I need you to have Aubree tonight" Max frowned "why?" Chloe sighed "the police have caught the person who ra- attacked me and they want me too ID him" Max nodded "come on" Chloe walked into the house and got Aubree from the pushchair and handed her to Max "thanks" Max smiled as Aubree was trying to get down "I should go" "I'll take you" Chloe smiled just as Max kissed her.

When Chloe got home she saw Rachel sitting on the sofa "was Aubree okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah, Max brought me back" Rachel smiled "alright" Chloe frowned "what? You're not gonna say anything?" Rachel shook her head "I think you should head to bed now" Chloe again nodded.

*The Next Day*

Chloe woke dreading that day knowing what she had to do, she was beginning to regret telling her mum she would do it. When she was dressed she made her way downstairs and saw her mum "morning" Rachel smiled "are you alright?" Chloe shook her head "feeling sick" Rachel sighed "its gonna be alright Chloe" Chloe felt the tears in her eyes "how? What if he gets away with it?" Rachel smiled "he won't".

Arriving at the Police Station Chloe started shaking "Chloe darling, calm down" Chloe was crying again as they entered the police station "we're here to do an ID" the receptionist nodded and they took Chloe and Rachel to where Chloe would have to pick out the person.

Chloe stood behind the glass hoping that he couldn't see her "Chloe everything is alright, none of them can see you" Chloe nodded and she looked at the men standing behind the glass and paled when she saw the one who did it "number 4, he did it" the officer smiled at Chloe "thank you" Chloe nodded "can I go?" "Yeah" Chloe took off out the room without waiting for her mum. Rachel went after Chloe and saw her sitting on the ground by the car "Chloe?" Chloe looked up "they got him, he was there" Rachel smiled "that's goo then isn't it?" Chloe shrugged "suppose so".

Rachel and Chloe went back to school although Chloe didn't want to "can't I go home?" Rachel smiled "no love" Chloe sighed "whatever" Chloe looked at her phone and saw it was third period "noOne knows where you were today, not even Eddie" Chloe nodded "whatever" Rachel sighed as Chloe walked off into the school building.

Chloe made her way to her lesson which was with Tom "about time Chloe, and where were you this morning?" Chloe rolled her eyes "none of your business" Tom frowned "what's with the attitude?" Chloe glared "I don't have an attitude" Tom sighed "clearly you do" Chloe glared "back off" Tom looked at Chloe "cooler now" "gladly" Chloe left the classroom and went to the cooler. Tom had left the classroom to go speak with Rachel about Chloe. When he got there he saw Max "have you seen Rachel?" Max looked at him "she got called to an LEA meeting" Tom sighed "is there a problem Tom?" Tom looked at Max "I've had to put Chloe in the cooler" Max frowned "what for?" "Answering back and she didn't turn up to registration" Max sighed "there's a reason for that" "what?" Max stood "what I tell you goes no further" Tom nodded "a few weeks ago Chloe was attacked and she was at the police station this morning" Tom was shocked "I didn't know" Max sighed "noOne does, she didn't want anyone knowing".

Chloe sat in the cooler crying and Charlotte walked in "Chloe, are you alright?" Chloe looked up and shook her head "no" Charlotte sat with Chloe and pulled her into a hug "what's happened?" Chloe sighed "the police caught the person who attacked me and I had to ID him this morning, it brought everything back" Charlotte held Chloe as she cried "its gonna be alright, I promise" Chloe was crying like she hadn't before and Charlotte had never seen her like this before.

When Tom had left the office Max made his way to the cooler and saw Charlotte holding Chloe so he walked in "Chloe" Chloe looked at Max and felt her eyes watering "Charlotte go back to class" Charlotte looked at Chloe who nodded so she left. When Charlotte was out of sight Max sat opposite Chloe and took her hand "what happened?" Chloe wiped her eyes "well, they obviously got him because he was standing there with a smug smile" Max sighed "he's behind bars, he can't hurt you" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'll still have too give evidence against him though and I'll still have to see his face" Chloe couldn't think about it anymore "how was Aubree?" "Good" Chloe smiled "she's always good" Max smirked "yeah, not like her mother" Chloe laughed "I don't deserve her" "yes you do, you're an amazing mother" Chloe smiled "thanks".

Chloe and Max left the cooler just as Charlotte came down the corridor "Chloe, are you alright?" Chloe sighed "I'll be fine" Charlotte nodded and hugged her friend "remember, I'm always here for you" Chloe smiled "thanks" Max looked at Chloe "are you gonna be okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah, thanks for the chat" Max smiled and walked off.

Charlotte and Chloe went to Maths with Eddie "alright girls?" Chloe gave a small smile "yeah Eddie, we're fine" Eddie grinned "in you go". After the Maths lesson was over Chloe stayed behind "Eddie, I wanna thank you for being there for me the last few months" Eddie smiled "its alright" Chloe shook her head "its not, I've been a right cow to you in the past and all you've ever done is care for me, even when my own dad didn't give a damn" Eddie smiled "Chloe, you're a teenage girl, attitude is expected and as for caring, I care for your mum and that extends to you and that adorable little girl of yours" Chloe grinned "Charlotte is lucky too have you as a dad" Eddie smiled "thanks Chloe" Chloe then hugged Eddie "yeah, thanks" Eddie grinned as Chloe walked out the classroom.

Rachel had just returned from the meeting and she was sitting in the office when eddie walked in "I've just had an intresting conversation with Chloe" Rachel frowned "what?" Eddie smiled "she wanted to thank me for being there for her" Rachel smiled "well that was unexpected" Eddie grinned "yeah, she's an amazing kid Rach, you've done an amazing job with her" Rachel smiled "thanks Eddie"

Chloe got Aubree from the creche and made her way to her mum's car just as Max came down the corridor "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, I'm good" Max smiled "good, I'll see you" Chloe grinned "wait" Max turned back to her just as she put her lips on his "thank you" Max smirked and walked off.

Arriving home Chloe took Aubree upstairs and sat on her bed with her "mummy loves you so much" Aubree giggled and got her teddy from by the pillows "that your teddy?" Aubree nodded "mine" Chloe grinned "yeah, yours" Aubree hugged Chloe which made her grin "mummy is so proud to have you as her little girl".


A/N - I'm Starting A New Update As Soon As This Is Posted xD I'm On A Roll. Haa!

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now xoxo

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