Chapter 32 - Caught

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A/N - For Those That Haven't Yet, Please Go + Read The Two Following Stories -

- Please Save Me, By StrangeDesires

- Mr Clarkson's Daughter, By AmeliaWilliams44

Hope you Likee the update


Chloe had been fighting against what she was feeling for Max, she knew it was wrong but she couldn't help it as she had part of him. That day she was going into school with her mum as it was raining "Chloe come on love" Chloe puck Aubree up and left the house "Tom called me last night" Chloe frowned "oh, why?" Rachel smiled "Chlo is having a hard time being pregnant" Chloe sighed in relief thinking that her mum had found out about Charlotte and Tom "well I'm here for her, I've been through pregnancy before" Rachel smiled "yeah".

Arriving at school Chloe got Aubree out the carseat and noticed Chlo and Charlotte "er mum I'm gonna talk too Chlo" Rachel nodded and watched as Chloe walked over to her friends "you alright Chlo?" Chlo nodded "morning sickness" Chloe smiled "its a bitch, especially when you can't eat your favorite food" Chlo grinned "that's what I'm dreading" Chloe laughed "first time I had it, I thought I was giving birth prematurely through my gob" Charlotte started laughing as did Chlo "seriously?" Chloe nodded "yeah, was funny now that I think about it" Chlo smiled "at least I've got you two too help with this" Charlotte smiled "yeah and I'm sure Chloe would let you have Aubree" Chloe grinned "yeah".

Chloe had a free lesson so decided to spend it in the library to catch up on some work that she had missed "alright C?" Chloe smiled at Bolton "alright" Bolton sat down "how's things?" Chloe shrugged "good" Bolton grinned "good".

Max stood outside the library watching Chloe and Bolton and frowned she was his and his alone and he was going to tell her that. Walking back to the office he was in thought about wat he felt for Chloe, she was the mother of his daughter, a daughter he loved and if he was being honest he was falling in love with Chloe. When the bell rang signalling lesson's Max smirked. 20 minutes into the lesson Max sent a note to Chloe's lesson. When she arrived Max noticed her hair was still pink "you sent for me?" Max smirked "yes I did" Chloe rolled her eyes "I gathered that, why?" Max stood from the chair and spoke to Joyce "Joyce can you go to the staffroom please and tell everyone I'll be there in 30minutes?" Joyce nodded "yes Mr.Tyler" "thanks". Once Max was sure Joyce was gone he closed the office door and turned to Chloe who had an eyebrow raised "what?" Max walked over to her and kissed her "what was that for?" Max smirked and kissed her again this time Chloe kissed back with passion.

Rachel was confused as to why Max wanted everyone in the staffroom including Joyce so she made her way to the office. Arriving she saw the door was shut, walking in she was shocked and angry "Chloe?!" Max and Chloe pulled apart to see Rachel standing there with anger visible on her face "what the hell is going on?" Chloe was speechless and Max stood there with a smirk on his face "I think you know what's going on Rachel" Rachel scoffed "Chloe you've been with him again?" Chloe stood there not saying anything "you know what Chloe get out of here" Chloe got her bag and left the office.

Once Chloe had gone Rachel turned to Max "you can't leave her alone can you?" Max smirked "I shouldn't have too, she's the mother of my daughter" Rachel rolled her eyes "yeah well stay away from her, she's in her first year of A-Levels and she doesn't need any distractions" Max again smirked "oh Rachel, she can't stay away from me" Rachel scoffed "yeah right" Rachel turned to leave but Max called her "me and Chloe have a daugjter, and if you think I'm leaving her then you are mistaken" Rachel rolled her eyes and left.

Rachel went looking for Chloe "Charlotte have you seen Chloe?" Charlotte frowned "not since Mr.Tyler sent for her" Rachel nodded "right thanks" Rachel walked off determined to find Chloe. Chloe sat in the creche with Aubree when Rachel walked in "I should have come here first" Chloe looked at her mum "what?" Rachel sighed "Chloe you did it with him again?" Chloe rolled her eyes "what do you expect? For him to knock me up and do a disappearing act?" Rachel sighed in annoyance "I don't expect you to continue sleeping with him" Chloe looked at her mum "I can't help it, he makes me feel something" Rachel rolled her eyes "Chloe, he's using you, and the way I see it, you and Aubree are going to be hurt" Chloe sighed "well its not as if I can stay away, he's her father, therefore he has rights" Chloe put Aubree down and left.

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