Chapter 2 - Bolton Found out

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A/N - Hopee U Like The Chapter X

Chlo had been seeing Bolton Smilie for a few weeks and she had too admit she was happy with him. That day Chloe woke up feeling ill "Chloe? Wake up love" Chloe groaned but she got out of bed and put on her uniform and went downstairs. Rachel saw her daughter looking incredibly pale "Chloe, you alright? You're looking pale" "I'm fine, we should be going yeah?" Rachel shook her head "its only 7:30" Chloe frowned "oh, right" "Chloe what's wrong? You've been quiet these last few days" "nothing mum I'm fine" "if you're sure" "I am.

Arriving at school Chloe saw her boyfriend "come here sexy girl" Chloe grinned and kissed Bolton full on the lips but pulled away 2seconds later "your lips taste weird" Bolton frowned "that's because I've been eating things you don't like" Chloe frowned "that means your breath would be weird, not your lips" "oh" Chloe pushed him away "who was she?" "Babe I don't know what you're going on about" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah right, I know you're dumb but don't treat me like that" "Chloe I aint done anything" Chloe glared at him "stay away from me" Chloe then walked away leaving Bolton confused as too how Chloe found out.

Chlo was walking to lesson when Chloe ran past her "Chloe?" Chlo turned too follow her and. Went into the bathroom after her "what happened?" "Bolton, he's been cheating on me" Chlo gasped "with who?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know, why would he do that though?" Chlo sighed "he's a pig, he didn't know he had a good thing" Chloe scoffed "if I'm that good why would he cheat?" "I don't know but he obviously doesn't deserve you" Chloe sadly smiled "you remember what you said too me a few weeks ago?" Chloe shook her head "as soon as this term is over, me and you are gonna go on a massive night out and get totally hammered" Chloe smiled "I said that?" Chlo nodded "yeah and I'm holding you too that" Chloe grinned "thanks" "for what?" Chloe shrugged "being an amazing friend" "well duh, its gotta be done" Chloe laughed "come on, Budgen is gonna flip if we're late".

Chloe was sat in Mr.Budgen's lesson when her phone vibrated, getting it out she saw a text from Bolton -

*Bolton - how did u find out?

*Chloe - oh please, it wud take an idiot too not figure it out

*Bolton - I'm sorry,

*Chloe - who was she?

*Bolton - it don't matter who she was,

*Chloe - it matters too me, so tell me

*Bolton - no

*Chloe - uve asked for this, I'll find out

Chloe put her phone away and carried on with her work.

After the lesson Chloe went looking for Chlo "I need your help" "with what?" "I wanna find out who the tart is" Chlo grinned "oh I'll help you" "good good" the girls then began trying to find out who Bolton cheated with.

"Oh my gosh, it was Michaela White" Chloe got angry "her? What's she got that I haven't?" Chlo shrugged "he's a waste" Chloe nodded.

Chloe went looking for Michaela "OI slag!" Michaela turned to Chloe "what?" "Enjoy jumping into bed with Bolton behind my back?" Michalea frowned "he told you?" Chloe scoffed "noOne had too tell me, I figured it out" Michalea paled "I'm sorry" "shove your apology, it means nothing" "I never meant it, it just happened" Chloe rolled her eyes "well it did so when he breaks your heart don't come running back too me" Michaela was crying "Chloe" "no save it, I'm not intrested" Chloe then walked up to where Bolton was and slapped him "don't bother talking too me again, you're nothing too me".

Rachel had heard about the drama between Chloe and Bolton so she went too speak with Chloe "sorry Tom, can I have a quick word with Chloe?" Tom nodded "of course, Chloe?" Chloe stood and followed her mum outside.

"What's this about?" "You know what Chloe" Chloe feigned innocence "what?" "You and Bolton, what's all that about?" "He's a cheating scumbag" "right and the slap?" "He deserved it" "noOne deserves a slap" "he did, for cheating" Rachel sighed "detention" "what? He deserved it though" "I don't care Chloe".

Chloe returned home after her detention and refused too talk to her mum "Chloe dinner will be done soon" "I really don't care" Rachel frowned "Chloe don't be like that and Eddie is coming over tonight" "oh whoope" Rachel sighed "go and do your homework, I'll call you when dinner is ready" "okay".

A/N - Yupp, There's Reddie Up Until I End Series 4 + Max Won't Leave Chloe's Life Because She Has His Daughter Like I Mentioned This Is A Re-Write Xx

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