Chapter 19 - I Shouldn't Love Him But I Do

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A/N - @StrangeDesires Is An Amazing Writer & She Has Given Me Some Amazing Idea's For This Story - Go Read Her Story 'Please Save Me' - Hope You Likee The Update xoxo

Chloe had decided to walk to school with Aubree that day "mum I'm going" Rachel frowned "why are you walking? I'm leaving in a minute" Chloe sighed "I wanna walk, clear my head" Rachel nodded "alright love, see you at school" Chloe smiled "see you mum" Rachel watched as Chloe left the house with Aubree. After a few minutes Rachel's phone rang, getting it out of her pocket she smiled when she saw it was Eddie -


Eddie - how about, me, you Charlotte, Chloe and Aubree all go out tonight? My treat

Rachel - that would be lovely, I'll ask Chloe when I see her

Eddie - she didn't stay with Max again did she?

Rachel - no, she's walking to school today

Eddie - oh right, well see you at school

Rachel - okay,


Rachel hung and smiled she knew her feelings for Eddie were returning "Adam, I'm leaving" Adam came downstairs "sorry love, was sorting something out" Rachel nodded "well Chloe's left" Adam nodded "let's go then".

Chloe arrived at school and saw Max waiting outside "Chloe a word" Chloe frowned but followed Max into the school "what's this about?" Max smirked "why haven't I see you?" Chloe shrugged "that wouldn't be best would it? My mum found you in her house" Chloe went to walk away when Max grabbed her arm and pulled her into him where he kissed her but instead of kissing back she pushed him away "no, this can't keep happening" Max frowned "why not?" Chloe sighed "because, its not right" Chloe walked out the office and took Aubree to creche.

Instead of going to meet her friends she was walking around the school when she saw Charlotte and Mr.Clarkson so decided to see what was happening when what she saw made her gasp they kissed "Chloe what are you doing?" Chloe turned and saw Max "nothing, just thought I saw something" Max nodded "where is Aubree?" "Creche, and I should be somewhere" Max watched as she walked away.

Chloe needed to speak to Mr.Mead about Max so she walked towards his classroom smiling when she saw he was in there "sir can I have a word?" Chris smiled "yeah course" Chloe walked into the classroom "what's this about?" Chloe took a deep breath "its Max" Chris frowned "what's he done now?" Chloe shook her head "nothing, him being here, its making me uncomfortable around him" Chris sighed and got his coat and car keys "where's your little girl?" "In the creche" Chris nodded "follow me" Chloe got off the stool and followed Chris to his car "where we going?" Chris smiled "we're getting you away from Max Tyler" Chloe laughed.

Chris and Chloe arrived in town "won't you get into trouble for this?" Chris shook his head "call it the perks of being deputy head" Chloe smiled "lucky you".

Tom had just arrived in registration and saw Charlotte and thought of their kiss this morning "has anyone seen Chloe?" The class shook their heads "Chlo, Charlotte? Have you two seen Chloe?" "No, not since yesterday" Tom frowned "right, stay where you are for now" Tom left the class to go and see Rachel. Arriving he saw Max and Rachel there "er Rachel, Chloe hasn't turned up for registration" Rachel frowned "is Aubree in the creche?" Tom shrugged "I'll call them" Rachel nodded and Max phoned the creche "Aubree is there" Rachel frowned "then Chloe must be in the school" Tom shook his head "she's not, Charlotte and Chlo haven't seen her".

Chris had brought Chloe a McDonalds breakfast "I'm probably gonna get into so much trouble" Chris smiled "probably" Chloe was about to speak when her phone rang, getting it out she saw it was Max "I should answer this" -

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