Prologue: The Beginning

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The feeling of soft grass under my feet gave me the feeling of peace that the forest offered to its residents. A smile painted on my lips as a familiar cabin came into view, the outside had a garden variety of different vegetables while also having a small table to sit out and enjoy the scenery. The wooden logs that surrounded the building were covered in vines that now had flowers blooming everywhere. A familiar figure stepped outside with books in his arms, his blonde hair played with the gentle breeze that blew his way. "Master! Master!", I grinned, running towards the man. "Yes, dear?", smiled the man, putting his books on the table. His blue eyes were filled with mischief and his smile was always there. "I can finally open the portal to the Otherside!", I grinned. Philza chuckled and patted my head; giving me praise for my achievement.

He invited me inside while looking up to the sky. "Looks like I better bring these books back inside...", he chuckled. We entered after we shared the book load, I placed them in their rightful place before I heard a giggle. A familiar face popped out of the kitchen and Philza glowed like never before as his wife walked into the living room. "(Y/n), sweetheart! Come in and eat, I just finished making dinner!", smiled Kristen. She was a beautiful woman that had married my master a long time before I was born. She was someone that I greatly admired not only because she was a great witch but she was also very kind and humble.

"Is it okay, Mistress?", I asked. My Masters looked at one another before they laughed and rushed me into the kitchen. My eyes caught the figure sitting on the counter, a boy with a yellow shirt and brown shorts. The boy was named Wilbur, he was my Masters's son and also only a few years younger than me. He saw me and reached for me, I laughed before quickly scooping the boy. "Wilby!", I grinned. The boy laughed and started to tell me about his day, his parents chuckled and asked me to sit down. We ate dinner and Philza asked me if I wanted to spend the night, to which I wholeheartedly agreed. "It's just not safe for you to be heading back to your village so late... Plus Wilbur will have some company for tonight.", smiled Kristen. Wilbur celebrated while Philza and I collected the dishes. I followed my Masters to the door with Wilbur, we watched them prepare for that night as we heard the thunderstorm outside.

"(Y/n), Kristen and I will be out collecting lightning... Can you make sure Wilbur stays inside?", asked Philza, tying his hair up in a ponytail. I nodded and watched as both of my Masters made their wings appear, I admired the couple's wings. Kristen had a pair of gorgeous white wings while Philza had a pair of black wings. Wilbur was so excited to see his parents' wings that his tiny wings appeared, they were fluffed up and flapping softly. The couple chuckled as they noticed this, keeping quiet so Wilbur wouldn't be too embarrassed since he was very shy about his wings.

"We'll be back... Listen to (Y/n), my love.", smiled Kristen before kissing Wilbur's head. Philza did the same and ruffled my hair before he opened the door for his wife. They walked out into the heavy rain and waved at us. We waved back, that's when I heard thunderclap in the sky before noticing that it wasn't thunder but the couple flying off into the sky. Wilbur admired his parents before asking to go back into his room. I smiled and closed the door, placing a spell on the door for extra protection. "(Y/n)! Let's go read my new books!", grinned Wilbur, grabbing my hand and dragging me away. We read through half a book before noticing that Wilbur was fast asleep, his head gently placed on my shoulder. Carefully picking him up, I placed Wilbur into bed and covered him in his soft blanket. A quick chant left my lips as I made a few light orbs around his room so it wouldn't be so dark and closed the door softly.

My eyes scanned the dark sky as the lightning danced across it, it was quite breathtaking and always fascinated me. My only concern was that it was the longest thunderstorm I had ever seen, meaning that my Masters would be busy and having fun. They were both free spirits and gods of mischief in my opinion, it wouldn't surprise me if they were Gods the more I thought about it. My eyes caught something out in the darkness of the forest, my eyes focused before a glimpse of something brown ran past the trees closest to the cabin. I frowned as it disappeared, I grabbed my cloak, my bag, and a lantern before opening the door. Something was wrong with that, it would pain me if it was an injured or lost animal. I chanted softly before closing the door, a magic circle formed over my head as I walked out into the storm. My mind eased as I made sure that the door of the cabin was still protected by my spell.

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