Chapter 38: Dream's Freedom

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Art by: u/4our_of_DiAmoNds on Reddit! Also check out their Instagram: @negg4dia! I, unfortunately, had to crop this picture so it would fit Wattpad standards but make sure to check out the full masterpiece on their Reddit!

Techno along with my brothers had joined my side, the others awaited with my parents the orders of what we would do. "It wouldn't be fair to fight all of you by myself.", smirked Amon. With a snap of his fingers, terrifying screams plagued everyone's ears. We looked up to see the last thing we expected in the End. "Are those Phantoms?", whispered Tommy. My hand immediately grabbed my baby brother's, he had always feared those creatures since he was a child. "They are... But you don't have to worry about them anymore, Theseus.", I whispered. Tommy's eyes glossed over before he nodded and gave my hand a small squeeze, Amon began to command the Phantoms to begin their attack on the people that had joined us. "Bastard!", growled Wilbur. Amon laughed before he summoned more creatures into the realm that began to attack our friends, I heard my father begin to shout commands. "You two reinforce our friends... Techno and I will handle this...", I whispered. Tommy and Wilbur looked a bit worried before they nodded, I watched them begin their flight back before I heard the Endermen begin to shriek. My attention went back to Amon, he was cracking his neck before he smiled at us.

"Did you know that my first choice for a vessel was your child?", said Amon. My eyes widened, Ranboo had been chosen yet Dream was the one with Amon at the moment. "Humble Dream was the one that offered me his body in exchange for Ranboo's freedom.", laughed Amon. I rushed at the creature but before I could attack I froze. Dream could die with these attacks while Amon would just find another vessel. All this time Dream had suffered from major injuries yet had recovered as if they were nothing to him. "Scared of damaging my vessel now?", whispered Amon. I was pulled back before a sword came down on Amon, Techno had begun to attack with no compassion. "Wait! You'll kill Dream!", I whispered. Techno looked conflicted and was probably thinking the same as me. Dream dying would be okay since I now had the power to resurrect the dead but the possibility of Amon taking over someone else's body made us both scowl. "I see you two have noticed my plan.", sighed Amon before he looked over at the crystal where my son was located in. He smiled before he pointed a finger at the crystal, before we could react he had thrown a spell at Ranboo. A piece of the crystal broke off before the Endermen all surrounded it, they had all gathered now around my son. 

"Typical... He hasn't awoken since bringing me in here and they won't allow me to get near him...", sighed Amon. Techno let out a sigh before he fell to one knee, my eyes widened at what he was about to do but said nothing. "Oh, has the great king of Veri finally admitted defeat?", smiled Amon. Techno looked at me, his red eyes began to turn black before he gave me a small smile. "...Okay...", I mumbled. I pulled out my sword, this made Amon tense up before he laughed, Amon copied me by pulling out Dreams sword. "So you two have decided to kill Dream after all?", said Amon, blocking my attack. My body jumped back as Amon decided to take the bait, we battled until my sword left a deep wound on Dream's chest. "Damn!", growled Amon. An explosion made us turn to see Techno carrying our son in his arms. A sense of relief took over my body, Ranboo looked perfectly fine while my husband looked like he was in a bit of pain being in his God form. "SO THAT'S WHAT YOU TWO WERE PLANNING!", laughed Amon. My body shivered at the sound of the distorted laugh, I raised my sword again before my breath stopped. "Dream!", shouted George. Amon stopped and a flash of green flashed in those soulless black eyes, he slowly turned only to be stabbed chest through the chest by George. The young king was crying as he did this, I was speechless as the events unfolded before my eyes. "GIVE ME DREAM BACK, YOU BASTARD!", growled George. 

Amon raised his sword but the weapon fell onto the ground next to the couple, Techno was now by my side. He began to reassure me that our son was fine before we focused on George and Amon, they were now knelt, on the floor. "I... won't... return Dream... Immortal...", smirked Amon before he closed his eyes. George began to shout curses at Amon before he looked at us, I quickly knelt next to the corpse. Something felt off, there was no way that it would be that easy to defeat a Creator. "Dark creature there...", grunted a familiar voice. We all looked over to see Regnar standing next to us, I asked what he meant before the Piglin explained that Amon was still inside the body. "He's waiting to catch you on the other side...", frowned Techno. I looked at Dream and then at Geroge who looked distraught by what was happening. I looked over at everyone who was fighting against the creatures Amon had summoned. "I'm going...", I mumbled. Techno began to protest before a roar emerged from above the Phantoms. "No way...", I whispered. A great dragon began to eat the Phantoms before blowing purple fire around. "The Ender Dragon is free...", mumbled Ranboo. 

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