Chapter 18: Redamancy

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Art by @giraffeleggos on Twitter!

The wedding day came faster than we all expected, after my nightmare, Techno refused to let me do anything besides focus on the wedding. It wasn't too bad but I became more bored as everything was ready. The children accompanied me throughout that and the big day had arrived. I now sat in front of a mirror as Niki and Kristen prepared my makeup. "She's just too pretty, Big Sister!", smiled Niki. Kristen nodded and started to prep my hair, there was a knock on the door and Philza came in with Sally. They complimented me and I blushed before thanking them, everyone was too excited and it was to be expected. I got up and my parents hugged me carefully, Sally came up and handed me the bouquet that she had made. I smiled as it was made from the purple and white larkspur that children from Veri gave me. "I added tulips on Techno's request.", winked Sally. I blushed as I noticed the red and purple tulips. "I love it! Thank you, Sally.", I smiled. Sally teared up and hugged me, Kristen carefully placed gold jewelry on my wings and declared that I was ready to go.

Philza offered his arm to me and I smiled before hooking my arm with his. "You've grown so much... At first, I refused Techno's request when he asked us for your hand in marriage.", chuckled Philza. I looked at him with a bit of shock, Techno and him had the best friendship I had ever seen yet there was a chance Philza would deny his request. "Why, Father?", I asked. Philza sighed before he laughed and gently bopped my nose with his finger. A gesture he often did when I was young so he would have my complete attention. "Because you are my daughter... Not by blood but still, my daughter and I'll always be protective of you and your brothers.", smiled Philza. I began to tear up before hugging him tightly, he chuckled and patted my back. "Also I wanted to make Techno suffer a bit.", smirked the God. I laughed as he said that and we continued our way to the chapel. 

I began to get nervous as we stopped in front of the door. "Calm down... You've fought worst battles and won.", grinned Philza. I sighed and nodded before asking if I looked okay, my father laughed before kissing my forehead. "Absolutely stunning, now let's go.", he smiled and walked in as the doors opened. I felt relaxed as I saw many of my friends sitting along the aisle. Fundy ran down the aisle to his father after throwing flower petals for my walk. Ranboo and the boys waved next to Wilbur. I looked ahead and blushed as I saw Techno. He wore a stunning military-like suit with his cape and he was smiling. The fact that he didn't have his mask on was even more touching than seeing him cry. Wilbur was smirking next to Technoblade before nudging him, this made the King clear his throat before composing himself. When Philza was about to hand me to Techno, he took hold of his shoulders. "Cherish her like you always do.", smiled my father. Techno smiled before promising to keep me safe and make me happy. 

We stood before Skeppy and he smiled at us as he began the ceremony. Everyone cheered and clapped as Techno and I kissed after finishing the ceremony. Skeppy came over and placed a beautiful crown on my head. "Long live the King and Queen of Veri.", grinned Skeppy. I chuckled before a chorus of what Skeppy said was repeated from our guests. We walked out of the chapel and headed to the main balcony to thank the citizens of our kingdom. They all cheered and waved at us before we headed back inside to get ready for the ball. "We can rest for a bit.", whispered Techno. I shook my head, I was feeling fine and didn't really see a point in resting when we had a lot of guests to thank and greet.

The ball was spectacular and it was no doubt thanks to Hannah and Niki. "Congratulations, Your Majesty.", said a teasing voice. I turned to grin at Sam, we hugged before Ponk joined in. "Ah! So beautiful! Thank you for inviting us!", smiled Ponk. He handed me a box and congratulated me before heading over to Techno. "I hope we can talk after you've married.", chuckled Sam. He tapped on the box Ponk gave me and I opened it to reveal a thin gold bracelet. Sam helped me put it on before tapping the item. It made a screen appear before my eyes and Sam explained how to use it. "This screen will allow you to contact anyone else with the same device.", smiled Sam. It was surprising what Redstone could do, I thanked him before he reassured me that he would soon have enough for everyone. 

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