Chapter 9: The Blood Prince

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Art by: @bibiccoe on Twitter!

My surprise wasn't to be at the annual fair for Valtameri; my surprise was to be with Technoblade at this fair. He wore a casual white shirt that gave off elegance and a black corset that matched his pants. The skull mask that he always wore was untouched. "Where shall we go?", I smiled. Before I could hear his answer, someone bumped into me. I was quickly pulled close against Techno, the man that bumped into me apologized. "It's okay.", I chuckled, folding my wings closer against my back. We kept moving but now hand in hand. "You said you wanted to try the food from here...", he mumbled, heading to a food stall.

My mouth was in a constant state of euphoria as I tasted the exotic foods that the stalls had to offer. "Here taste this!", I grinned, offering some meat to Technoblade. He hummed before taking a bite, he seemed satisfied with it. "Oh, wait.", I whispered. Techno hummed before flinching at the touch of my handkerchief. I smiled and showed him that I was wiping some sauce off his face. "You shouldn't touch my face so casually.", he growled. His sudden mood change was quite adorable, even though he thought it was intimidating, I could see how red his ears were. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty.", I teased. We walked around and bought gifts for everyone back home. A gasp escaped my lips as I saw a huge attraction Sam had mentioned. A giant ring decorated with lights that shined as brightly as stars. "Would you like to get on that?", asked the Blood God. Without hesitation, I nodded to his sudden question.

"We can go when it's a bit darker.", he hummed, taking my hand and walking along the stalls. The Ferris Wheel, as many called it, was actually made by Sam using his skill with Redstone. "Think Sam and Ponk are okay with Ranboo?", I asked, my mind wandering to the child. Ponk had insisted to show Ranboo around with Sam; it didn't surprise me that Ponk had taking a liking to Ranboo. "They should be fine...", said Techno, taking the bags from my hand. We walked around and everything was amazing for my first time at a fair; the sky soon turned dark and we headed to the Ferris wheel.

"Technoblade... You mentioned something about a talk last night.", I said, taking a seat in the metal box. Techno did the same across from me as the man in charge of the ride closed the door. "Yes... This is very important for the future of Veri. Even though this doesn't really concern you, I thought I'd let you know.", he said, removing his mask as the ride started moving. His eyes burned holes into my soul as he looked at me very seriously. All I could do was nod my head so he could continue his talk. "I've decided to take Ranboo under my wing and name him the crown prince to Veri.", he smiled. My mouth refused to open and speak my mind in those few seconds but when it did, a frown formed on the Blood Gods lips.

"You can't possibly mean that you're taking Ranboo from my care.", I frowned. The thought that the child would be taken from my side was horrifying, yet Techno showed no signs of this being a joke. "Yes, I want him to begin his training and studies when we return to Veri.", he sighed, looking out the window. My fists balled up in protest but the God only lifted his hand to stop me. "I've already done the paperwork... His coronation will be on his sixth birthday.", he sighed. The door to the metal box opened and my angry gaze met Technos calm one. "As you wish, Your Majesty.", I scoffed, flying out and towards the castle. Everything was too much for me to handle, I landed on my balcony and went inside.

After a few moments, there was a light knock on my door. "Come in...", I said. A familiar green haired man walked in and smiled at me. "Did you enjoy the fair?", he asked, his expression changed as he saw me stay quiet. He immediately sat next to me and asked what was wrong, which I proceeded to explain what I was told. "He can't do that! Ranboo is like your child!", exclaimed Sam. All I could do was shake my head, his arms wrapped around me and whispered words of comfort. This action only made me start sobbing, it hurt that Techno had done this without a consideration for my feelings.

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