Chapter 32: The New King

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Art by @MythyWolf on Twitter!!

The Prince of Veri waved at his parents as the carriage began to leave for Triox. His mother wasn't sure of the departure but in the end, was convinced by the young men to let them go. "I hope (Y/n) doesn't worry too much...", frowned Tubbo. He had begun to call the Goddess by her name since she requested it be done so. "Big Sister will be fine and so will we!", grinned Tommy. He was currently inside the carriage for the beginning of the trip, the soldiers under his command insisted that he take the beginning of the trip easy, which much to their persistence, ended up inside with the couple. "I wonder what George has in mind.", frowned Ranboo. The trio sat there wondering what could be the situation in Triox. From what they had heard, Triox had stopped people from leaving the kingdom and also stopped receiving new travelers. Ranboo smiled as he enjoyed the trip, Tommy and Tubbo made his anxiety vanish the closer they got to Triox.

Before they knew it, they had arrived at the gate and the knights were trying to inspect their carriage. "You will not enter the royal carriage of Veri.", frowned Tommy as placed his horse between the knight and the carriage door. He had been guarding the couple when they were a day away from arriving at Triox. The knights of Triox looked displeased but said nothing as he saw the badges and cords that showed that Tommy was the Captain of the army. The highest rank after the General, the ranks were different for every kingdom but all the knights knew that Tommy was powerful and not someone they should mess with. "Fine...", growled the soldier as he signaled for the gate to open. Tommy scowled at the looks his men were getting, he hurried his people in with the carriage before he pointed his sword at the soldier. "Don't forget that my Sister can come cut your head off for showing her men those looks. After all, the Queen is the General of the army and she doesn't tolerate disrespect.", said Tommy, pulling his sword away as the soldier paled. The soldiers all bowed before Tommy sighed and followed after the carriage, he told the coachman to stop and knocked on the window. "What happened, Toms?", frowned Tubbo, he grew worried when they had demanded to enter the carriage. Tommy smiled and reassured them that everything was under control, he knew that Tubbo would be less merciful if he had seen the looks of those soldiers. "I'll go scout out the area... Stay here and stretch a bit...", he smiled before he galloped away. 

"The kingdom looks... different...", frowned Tubbo as he touched the flowers from a flower shop. Ranboo agreed as he stood next to his fiance, the soldiers of Veri all reassured them that it was best to stay by the carriage. The couple nodded before thanking them, they didn't feel welcomed as some people passed by the carriage. The gallop of a horse made the couple look up to see Tommy, he had a frown on his face as he approached them. He urged his friends to get back into the carriage with the help of the soldiers. "I think we should deal with all this and head back to Veri as soon as possible.", said Tommy, closing the door after the couple entered. They all mutually agreed as they arrived at the castle, Callahan was there much to their surprise. The knight rarely left Alyssa's side and that was something they had all known since they were children. "Sir Callahan... It's good to see you again.", smiled Ranboo. The knight nodded before escorting them to a drawing-room. They all sat there while they saw the soldiers and the carriage being taken toward the stables. The wait for the King took longer than they expected but soon the door opened and they were greeted by George. "Greetings... Crown Prince of Veri.", smiled George before greeting the others. Tommy stood in front of the couple as the King approached them, they all looked rather surprised before Tommy spoke.

"Let's get down to business, shall we George.", smiled the God, opening his wings to his hide friends protectively. The King frowned before he nodded and instructed them to sit down. He didn't speak of anything related to Dream at all in the beginning until Tubbo reminded him. "Right... Well, Dream is here... He is the ruling King of Triox now... If you would like to start an investigation against him, I believe you'll have to speak with him.", smiled George. Tommy frowned as he noticed the King's hands shaking, they all nodded at the news before they were invited to dinner. They all quietly followed George to the dining table before the doors opened and Dream walked in. He had a crown and his mask was nowhere to be seen, he looked completely different but no one remarked on his appearance. "Everyone, I'm pleased to see that you made it safely to Triox...", smiled Dream. He walked over to George, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek before sitting next to him.

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