Chapter 40

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"Your real license exam will begin now."

With that. Everyone dashed towards the different terrains looking for anyone who could be potentially hurt.

"Okay guys. We need to find as many survivors as possible in order to gain more points. And we need to stick together— Where did Kacchan go?" Deku asked as him and his other classmates were following close behind. "Katsuki, Kirishima, and Kaminari all went alone together." [Name] stated. "Ah."

Everyone had run around, watching as a few other students had already taken care of some injured victims. Soon, a loud cry was heard not too far away. The class then ran towards the cry. As they came close to the sound, they looked around and noticed a small boy with a blue baseball cap on his head crying. Some of the class gasped and immediately raced to the kid's side.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!!" The kid cried out as tears streamed down his face. Everyone stopped in front of him and took in the surroundings.

"Please help me! My grandpa is stuck under the building! I can't get him out! Please help us!" He pleaded.

"Oh my! This is very bad! Are you okay?!" Deku asked with concern rising in him as he had noticed the kids head was dripping with blood down his forehead.

"WHAT WAS THAT?! DO YOU THINK I AM OKAY?!? MINUS POINTS" The kid yelled back brushing his act to the side and having his face turn into anger.

"Huh?!" Deku asked in complete surprise as he had no idea what he had done wrong to lose points in only a few minutes.

"Do you really think a that a victim wants to hear something like that?! That is the absolute last thing that anyone would ever want to hear in this type of situation! You guys are hero's! You all should be making us feel better and be lifting our spirits. And don't ask stupid questions either! It's quiet obvious that I am not okay! My head is bleeding!" He yelled back at everyone in the class. Deku was listening to the kid explain and teach him something for the future when he would become a pro. The class was taking this to heart. He was right. If they were in that position, they would probably have a hard time believing that a pro would actually be a pro if they got away with saying something like that.

Deku squeezed his eyes shut. Feeling the shame fill himself. I'm so stupid! That's the worst thing I could've said. It's obvious that he is bleeding and he is not okay! What in All Mights name was I thinking???!!!!

"Izuku?" He snapped out of his thoughts as he noticed [Name] had got his attention. He nodded her way and crouched down to the kid.

"Don't worry little one." Deku said with a shaky voice, "Everything is going to be fine."

And just like that, the kid had begun to cry once again. Deku had checked the rest of the kid's body, making sure to not pick him up without injuring him further than he already was.

"Anahel." Deku called. Knowing and remembering her hero name, she approached her friend.

"We need to try and get this little boy's grandfather out of here. Do you think you can help with that?" he asked looking up into her eyes. She gave him a small smile back. "I sure can, Deku."

"My grandpa is under that building," the kid cried and pointed behind him to a large pile of bricks and broken concrete, "I-I think he might be dead!"

[Name] and Deku the went through the building and had begun to try and move past the tiny spaces in order to find the missing grandfather. After a few minutes, both of them had found the body lying under a large concrete piece.

"Anahel, can you lift the concrete without the building falling down?" Deku asked looking back at her. She nodded her head and used her quirk to create a large flat golden shield that went under the concrete. She lifted her hand and the concrete had begun to lift up with the shield she had created to lift it. Deku lifted his hand in a stop motion as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to keep it up as long as she could. Deku leaned down quickly and checked for a pulse.

"He has a pulse! I'll carry him." He then begun to carefully lift the unconscious body.

Soon both of them had reached back outside of the damaged building.

"Deku, carry him to the infirmary over there," [Name] pointed over to an area which had doctors there and a flag which showed it was the infirmary. He turned to face her and give her a nod. He then dashed over to the infirmary.

Suddenly, a loud crash mixed with a bang erupted towards the north side of the testing arena. [Name] quickly turned her head to find a large cloud of debris flying around freely. And when it cleared slightly, a dark figure showed. [Name]'s eyes widened.

"No way," [Name] said in disbelief. "Gang Orca?"

Nobody in the group she was in, which was her class, saw the sadistic grin spread across the whale like features of the pro. He then made a signal and hundreds of men came forth from behind the large pro.

"This must be part of the scenario," [Name] said which made the class turned their heads towards her. "Remember? They said the city was destroyed by a group of villains. If it were a real terrorist attack, wouldn't the villains still be around?" She asked making the students face the pro hero. "That makes a lot of sense." Jiro spoke.

"This situation... this is even tough for a regular pro." Jokes said while watching the scene unfold down below.

"I am not worried." Aizawa stated. He watched as well as Jokes. Both with eagle eyes.

"Guys, we need to choose," [Name] shouted out to everyone. "We either fight or continue to rescue the civilians. Those who have quirks that are better suited for rescuing the civilians should continue to find them. And who ever is best at fighting, should fight the villain." Everyone was amazed with how she was working with the situation. She was getting better at being a pro than before. She was a natural born leader.

"Let's blast this villain all the way to hell!" [Name] jumped slightly and looked to see Bakugo had come back from whatever he was doing and appeared next to her with a deadly grin.

Deku had been watching her and couldn't help but feel his morale brighten. Everything about her was attractive to him. And that's why he had these feelings for her.

"Are you both gonna fight?" [Name] asked gazing at the both of them.

"Hell yeah!" He grinned. The three looked at each other and then back a Gang Orca. [Name] got into a fighting position with confidence spread across her face.

"I'm not worried because these kids always pull together in the end," Aizawa explained to Jokes, "They might not be very cooperative, but they find a way to bring themselves together in major events like these. Especially those three down there." Aizawa pointed down to the three teens who looked about ready to face anything. Jokes followed his line of sight and nodded her head slowly with a smile.

"Are they the trouble children?" She asked. He didn't shift his gaze from his students.

"They are the pillars of Class 1-A."


A/N: OMGGGGGGGG its been forever since I have posted in thisssssssss! I am soooooooo sorryyyyyy. I have been working on YouTube videos for my channel and have been trying to be motivated to write this chapter.

I haven't watched My Hero Academia in a long while, but I am using references as a mind refresher on what goes on. I hope you can understand if some of this isn't exactly like the storyline, but I am trying my best. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.

Anways, stay safe and healthy!

God bless!

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