Chapter 57

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Everyone that had been part of Eri's rescue had been immediately reported to the hospital. Deku and [Name] had been in the same room. The doctor had looked over Deku first. He had taken off the top part of his hero costume, exposing his abs and ripped body. [Name] felt her cheeks heating up and she slightly turned her head away.

"I examined your whole body, but other than your arm, there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary." The doctor explained.

"Thank you very much." Deku replied.

"But how did your arm end up like that—"

"More importantly, where's everybody else?" Deku asked. Wanting to make sure that everyone else is okay.

"I went to check on them." A low voice said. [Name] and Deku turned their heads to find Aizawa opening the blinds.

"Mr. Aizawa!" the both exclaimed. "What did I tell you both about using my last name in public?" He asked. They bowed their heads back down in respect and apologized back to him.

"What about your injuries sir?" [Name] asked.

"I had ten stitches. Come with me."


They both followed him down the hallway to where ever he was leasing them to.

"Sorry I couldn't be with you when it counted." Aizawa apologized. "Its alright." Deku responded.

"Anyway, how's everyone else?" Deku asked in worry.

"Kirishima has bruises and lacerations on his whole body, but he'll live." Aizawa continued. "Amajiki cracked a bone in his face," [Name] held her head down in sadness. "But none of his injuries will leave a scar. Fat Gum has broken bones in a few places, but he seems fine. Luckily, the blade that stabbed Rock Lock didn't hit any vital organs, so his wound won't develop into anything serious."

"I'm so glad..." [Name] smiled slightly. Hearing the happy news almost made her cry in joy and relief. "But, what about Eri?" She asked looking back up at her teacher.

"She's still feverish and sleeping, She's being quarantines right now. (Uh oh, the corona 0_0)"

"Quarantined... so, we can't even see her?" She asked. Feeling sad that she couldn't see Eri at all except through a glass window.

"Apparently, it was decided based on the information we got from you both about her. She can't control her quirk that rewinds people. If something activates it again, I'm the only one that can stop her." Aizawa explained. They both recalled when she had used her quirk and how she couldn't control it. They remembered the pain they endured. But she couldn't help it. She didn't know how to control her quirk at all. It wasn't her fault at all.

"Both of you were able to touch her continually destroying your whole body, right?" Aizawa asked. They both responded with a 'yes'.

"There aren't many people who can do that. Even if there was someone who could," they eventually reached the elevator and walked inside of it.

"If that girl's quirk became powerful enough to surpass that..."

"Yeah, if you hadn't erased Eri's quirk, I don't know what would've happened," Deku added. They traveled up the building and to their designated floor.

"Since it didn't work on the buildings or the ground, but only on people, training to teach her control isn't something we can approach lightly." Aizawa stated. "Thinking about her emotional state on top of the unknowns, right now, it would be most logical to keep her quarantined. For her sake as well." Aizawa stopped in the middle of the hallway and continued. "In other words, we cannot depend on her quirk." Deku cocked his head to the side in confusion.

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