Chapter 1

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12 years later...


The sound of an alarm clock rang through a bedroom of a teenaged girl who was gonna get ready for a new day in middle school. She slammed the alarm to snooze and kept on sleeping. Today, was the last day of middle school. And off to high school. This teenaged girl was (Y/n). She had finally grown up, twelve years later and has been practicing and training with her father on how to control her quirk, and hand to hand combat if she couldn't use it.

Since she was young that one day when she had discovered her quirk, she had been wanting to go to U.A all her life. She had been waiting for the moment to go for the big test to get into the top hero academy of Japan. This was her dream. And she would do anything to get that dream since she was a young one.

She was always kind to everyone and they all loved her for her kindness and her generosity. She would give food and some money to the poor and help places all around her town that needed help. And they all loved her so much for that. Everyone considered her the "Angel of Heaven" like she was a blessing gifted to them by God himself. She made everyone happy and she wanted to keep helping them by making them safe for the rest of her days.

"Pumpkin! You've gotta wake up! You'll be late for school!" Her father shouted up from downstairs. She groaned a little but decided to get up anyways. Cause if she didn't, she would be there for who knows how long.

She went into the bathroom and did her normal routine to get ready. She decided to braid her hair into a side fishtail braid. (Sorry if you have short hair. If you do then she doesn't do anything with it. Or if you want to imagine her with a hair style then go right ahead)

(Y/n) walked downstairs to see her father cooking her (f/b/f). (Y/n) Started to drool over the food her father was making. (Y/n) made her way over to her dad.

"That smells so good papa!" She smiled up at him. He smiled back and put the food on her plate. "Thanks pumpkin!" He said. She began to eat her breakfast.

"Hey papa?" (Y/n) Asked as she swallowed the food in her mouth. "Yeah pumpkin?" He looked over to her from looking at his phone. "Can...Can you tell me a story about mom? Just another one?" (Y/n) Asked. Her father took a deep breath and looked at her.

"Well, did I tell you how we met?" He asked. (Y/n) shook her head no. He looked around the kitchen and smiled a little to himself.

"Well, I was around nineteen when we first met. I was out getting groceries for my family when all of a sudden a villain came out of no where and started to take things very valuable from people. Like stealing cash from old people and young people too," (Y/n) leaned in closer to hear this story she never heard of how they met.

"The villain then went after an old lady that couldn't defend herself. I then yelled towards the villain to stop and leave the poor woman alone. The villain was about to lay a blow onto me, then, out of no where, there was a huge wall of vines that encased the villain into tree roots and vines. I looked around and saw her. Your beautiful courageous mother. Standing like a goddess that just saved little weakling me. She held out a hand and asked if I was okay. And then, it was love at first sight, we got married six years later."

Wow! (Y/n) was breath taken by how they first met. Her mother doing good and protecting people from harm. And that's what (Y/n) aspired to be.

Her father had told (Y/n) how she died. She was told that when she was two years old, her mother got a call from her agency about a villain attack that was happening. She went there to fight the villain. But he was much stronger than she was. They weren't given any specific details about how she died. Nobody knows the villains name, but unfortunately he got away and has never been seen since then. When the news came to her father, he cried, he cried and cried and cried. When (Y/n) was waiting for her mother to come home she went to ask her father where she was. She noticed he was crying.

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