Chapter 44

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After the whole business with the Big Three and that short and painful match against one of them. All of class A had returned to their regular day during school.

The next day had come by in the blink of an eye and thankfully it was a weekend. They needed a break from training. But, they still had to put in some effort. After all, they need to be prepared for when they would become the future pro hero's.

Everyone was in the common room while some where waking up slightly and doing their morning routine. That is when Aizawa had come in lazily and called all of the class to come and listen to the morning announcement.

"I hope you all have had a good rest. What I am going to say will be kind of a shocker at first. But, a newspaper reporter will be coming in today." Small and quick chatters came through the room but was soon silenced.

"Why do they want a news reporter here?"

"They want to do some feature on your class. Some thing like that." Aizawa said, "Its nothing too exciting. They just want to know how you are adjusting to your new life in the dorms. But, Principal Nezu thought that it would be a good idea to do this so that it could set your parents' minds at ease."

Mineta had begun to whine on how the reporter wasn't a girl. And [Name] felt like she wanted to throw up. Aizawa activated his quirk which made them a completely silent.

"I expect you all to be on your best behavior."

They all nodded their heads and soon the door of the dorms opened up to reveal a very tall looking man with dusty brown hair and a pair of expensive yet cheap looking set of glasses.

"Don't worry on my account." The reporter stated as he came forward to the middle of the common room.

"I didn't say you could come inside."

"I was told that up have from eight to six," the reporter gestures to his watch. "Unless my watch is broken..." he turned to face the group of students beginning to wake up after Aizawa's threat.

"Good morning students! My name is Taneo Tokuda. I am looking forward to knowing you all."

"Nice to meet you." The class said in respect.

"Just because I'm here doesn't mean you have to be all fancy. Just go about your normal day as if you normally would. The camera will do it's job. I might ask some questions occasionally. And you can answer however you want and I hope that you will answer."

The girls smiled and nodded their heads. This could be interesting.

"Now what will you all be doing normally at this time?"

"Wed be eating breakfast." Iida replied.

"Okay. You don't have to be formal with me. Just go about your day as you normally would."


Everyone had been making their breakfast. [Name] had actually offered to make everyone some breakfast. They agreed and she decided that she could make everyone rice bowls. She put in many herbs to make the flavor dance in everyone's mouths. She made sure go give Bakugo some spicy herbs with his. Cause that's just what he liked. After making everything. She called everyone to grab their bowls and they happily accepted her delicious and healthy looking breakfast. Mono had offered to make some tea because she had some tea brands that she thought would be excellent for breakfast.

Everyone dug into their rice bowls and they felt that their tummies flipped in joy and their taste buds dancing happily with the flavor.

"[Name]! This is delicious!" Kirishima said happily as he kept digging in. Everyone happily ate and she couldn't help but let spread across her face. She did t notice but then heard a camera go off next to her. She turned her head and found the reporter, Tokuda, had taken her picture.

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