Chapter 45

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"[Name]... wake up."

What the-

[Name] found herself in a dark area in which showed no sign of any light what so ever. Not a single bright light to be seen. Other than the darkness. [Name] looked down and noticed that the floor was covered in a small but of water and the water would splash every so often as she would take a small step.

When she took a few steps, she looked up and down everywhere. When she turned her head to the left, she saw some thing in the distance. Although she couldn't quite see what it was or what it looked like. She walked over to it and it fixed into her vision as it looked like a cage. A metal one that had a person inside. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She took two more steps forward and the figure began to appear more and more the closer she got. And who was in there, shocked her the most.


There she sat. Inside the cage as her knees were pulled up against her chest and she could hear her soft sniffles and whimpers.

"Ochako!" [Name] called out her name and ran to the front of the cage where it would be in front of her friend.

"Ochako! Are you okay?! What's going on!? Why are you in this cage?!" [Name] asked as she gripped the metal bars and looking at her friend in worry. Uraraka's cries seemed to stop. There was nothing but silence. When that silence stayed for a few moments, Uraraka lifted up her head and [Name] fell backwards and let her elbows catch her. She stared in horror and looked upon her friends face. Her eyes were not like the beautiful soft brown that she knew, but a lifeless white color. Her skin looked paler than ever. And blood was all over her face and clothing. The blood looked as if it was smudged everywhere.

As their eyes met, Uraraka's lifeless eyes widened in horror and she scurried to the back of the cage and let out terrified whimpers.

"Ochako? W-What's going on?! Your scaring me!" [Name] Didn't know what to think at this point. Her friend was trapped in a cage and looked to be afraid. But what was she afraid of?

"S-Stay away from me!" W-What?

"Ochako please stop! Your scaring me!! Why do you want me to stay away from you??"

[Name] heard something behind her and she turned around to find another cage that was the same as Uraraka's, although the person who was in there was,

"K-Katsuki?!?" Her voice faltered and she clasped a hand over her mouth as she gazed in horror at her friends demeanor. He was also covered in blood from head to toe and had that same lifeless look in his eyes. When he heard her name, he looked up and his brows furrowed, and nothing but anger looked to have been fueling him. [Name] took a step towards his cage and as soon as she did, the Bakugo in the cage lunged forward and stuck his hand out from the bars. [Name] staggered back and her eyes were wide like saucers. In fear and worry.

"You did this to us!!! You f*cling bitch!!! When I get my hands on you I swear to God I will kill you!!!! I'll kill you!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!! YOU DID THIS!!!! YOU F*CKING BITCH!!!!!!" He screamed her way as he tried pulling the bars from their places. Tears streaming down her face as those words were like daggers thrown into her heart. She looked around and noticed other cages too. All going down, there were her classmates, Todoroki, Kirishima, Denki, Mina, Asui, Momo, Deku, Jiro, everyone. They were all in cages trying desperately to get out.




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