Chapter 69

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"We all know the plan right?"

All of the pros were right outside of the hospital. Well, not exactly right outside. They were near the hospital. And just as they predicted, the front and back of the hospital did indeed have tulips on the outside. Just as Aizawa predicted.

"It's just as you predicted Eraserhead." The detective stated as he cocked a handgun.

"Yeah we know the plan. We sneak in and try to find L/N as quickly and as quietly as possible. Hopefully that goes as planned. If that doesn't work, we go with plan B."

Aizawa nodded along with the detective.

"Okay, we go in now. Everyone knows their positions right?" Aizawa asked as he put a hand up to a transmitter ear piece in his ear. He clicked a button as it lit up with a small blue but barely noticeably light.

"Midnight, are you there?"

"Yeah," She replied through the ear piece. "I hear you loud and clear Eraserhead."

"You've got everyone with you?"

"Yeah, I've got everyone with me. You still good over there?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna head in now with Hawks and Present Mic."

"Alright," Midnight paused and took a deep breath. "Good luck, Erasure."

With that, the transmitter turned off. Aizawa turned back around towards the other pros as well as the detective and the police.

"Let's head in now."

Aizawa's team began to move in. Taking each step with caution. There could be traps around. Who knows what that villain could have in store for them.

Aizawa and the team reached a metal door on the side of the hospital. There was a small bit of moss covering the door as well as a couple grapevines up against the walls of the abandoned hospital. Aizawa went over and tried to turn the handle of the door. Of course, the door was locked. Figures.

"I got this Erasure." Hawks stepped forward and plucked one of his crimson red feathers from his wings. He then took the feather and then slammed the feather against the handle. Causing the handle to come right off.

"Well that was easy." Present Mic stated. Hawks smirked as he then played with with his feather a little bit.

"I mean, that's not the only thing thats amazing about me."

"Hawks, how's not the time for dirty jokes."

"Fine whatever."

Aizawa then opened the door quickly and got into a fighting position as well as the others. The detective raising his gun up, waiting for anything that moved.

As they focused on where they were in, they noticed they were in a small room and to the left of them were a set of stairs going up higher into the hospital.

"Let's take the stairs."

They did as they were ordered and began to walk up the stairs as carefully and quietly as possible.

"I'm surprised there hasn't been any traps yet." Present Mic stated going up the stairs.

"Don't jinx it now Mic." Hawks stated. "Did you like my joke though?"

"Hawks! Now's not the time. We have to get L/N."


The stairs came to an end as a large metal door with a small rectangle window was on it. Aizawa approached it and tried to look through. But it was very dirty. He took his hand and tried to wipe away the grime off. But it didn't do anything. He looked down at the door handle and opened it slightly. When he opened the door, all of their eyes widened.

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