- Kirishima Ending -

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Years had passed by quicker than you could say 'Plus Ultra'.

But everything had gone better since then. The nightmares had stopped, thankfully. And everyone was just in a better mood. Even if there were continuous villain attacks all across the city, the heroes were there to help out.

Y/n had taken the advantage and had been offered to work with Hawks at his agency. She was paid too!

Inoko had offered to take Y/n into her abode and help her out after everything. So basically her and Deku had basically considered themselves brother and sister. Since they were around one another all the time.

Bakugo was still the same. He still teased her all the time.

All the girls hung out with one another when they had time. Such as Jiro teaching Y/n to play the guitar. Or Uraraka with the electric piano along with Momo working on it to get better. It made them all smile.

School in U.A continued to be normal. Work of course always piled up like an avalanche. They were now in their third year at U.A.

One thing that changed, however, was Y/n's relationship with someone. Kirishima to be exact.

They had talked a lot more and began to bond more and more everyday. At one point, Kirishima's feelings had burst out at one point on how he felt about her. And his face, and Y/n would quote, "was redder than his hair".

So after that they became lovers. Went out on dates. Had their first kiss.

Tomorrow was special? Why? Technically their anniversary. So Kirishima wanted to do something special. He had it all set up perfectly.


"Finally, the weekend!" Y/n cried out while groaning at the same time. She threw her backpack onto the floor by the couch and flopped onto that same couch. Her back facing up to the ceiling as the rest of her class came pouring in. Mina did the same on the other sofa.

"Took long enough." Sero stated as he went into the kitchen.

"Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?" Uraraka elatedly asked.

"I was going to visit my parents this weekend." Momo stated.

"I was going to chill around and practice some music." Jiro said.

The others went on about their weekends. Sero plopped onto the sofa diagonal from the one in which Y/n laid on her stomach.

"I was gonna eat the rest of that ice cream in the freezer." He closed his eyes and smiled brightly o himself. Thinking of that delectable chocolate ice cream.

It was silent for a moment until someone snorted slightly.

"You sure about that Spider-Man?" Sero looked up at Bakugo who had asked him that question. He raised a brow as the blonde pointed back behind him with his finger. He looked into the kitchen to find a surprised Denki looking like a deer caught in headlights. There was a small bit of brown smudged on his lips and went down his chin slightly and overall looking like an absolute mess. He clutched a large carton in his hands with a spoon in one of them.

It took Sero a second to realize what Denki had done. And when he did, he gasped.


Denki gulped down the last of the chocolate delight and smiled bashfully.


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