Chapter 12

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"HERO TEAM WINS!!!!" The loud speaker went off in the training area that was completely destroyed by the two teens. [Name], being knocked unconscious, was lifted onto a stretcher, as well as Deku. They were all severely injured from their combat training.

Bakugo on the other hand still stood there motionless with his eyes still wide open. He looked to be a statue for how long he was in that position over Deku's quirk.

"Young Bakugo, Midoriya is quite a skilled one. But, you will win another time in the next battles to come. You'll get your chance." All Might said as he walked over to Bakugo. Bakugo making his first motion, moved his mouth to speak. "I don't need your pity, ill become the number one hero. Ill be even better than you and I'll beat that damn nerd. So again, I don't need your pity." He growled as he walked off to go back to watching everyone else's fight. But first, he had to see [Name].


[Name] was still unconscious as Deku was as well. Recovery girl was treating them as Bakugo came in, still in his hero costume. Just minus the grenade gauntlets that caused this mess.

He looked at Izuku then at [Name] for longer than he intended. "You know, you should've gone easier on her. You could've taken them both down without that ridiculous move."

Bakugo let out a 'tch' and walked to [Name]'s bedside and looked at her. He noticed the burn on her face but not the ones all over the rest of her body. Arms cover in bruises, scraps, and burns. He couldn't help but blame himself for this. This was his fault. That kept on repeating in his mind like an endless record player.

[Name] began to stir slightly in her unconscious state and she opened her eyes slowly to meet the explosion ones crimson red ones with her (e/c) ones.

"Hey Feathers." He said as he tried to not sound as hard and brash as usual. She smiled a little up at him. "Hey, angry dog." Her voice cracked slightly as she spoke to her explosive friend.

"Oh dear, your awake now." Recovery Girl spoke behind Bakugo as she was grabbing some bandages and a bottle of cream for the burns.

"How long have I been put for?" She asked looking at Bakugo again. He was avoiding her gaze. "Not long." Was all he said as the door came crashing open and the class 1-A student's came rushing to your bedside.

"[Name]!! Your awake!!" "We were so worried!" "Are you feeling okay?!"

"Alright kids, take it easy, she just woke up and your crowding around her like a bunch of animals." Recovery Girl stated as she was shooing them away from the bed to back up a little for some space.

She rolled her chair over to the left side of [Name] and grabbed the bottle of cream. "This may sting a little. Just be aware." She said as she squirted some of the white cream onto her wrinkled fingers and reached out for her burn. As she placed the cream down, [Name] flinched a little at the sting. "Its okay, your alright. Just stay calm." She said while rubbing it gently on her burns.

"It hurts because you've suffered from second degree burns." She said. This caused all of the students jaws to drop open. Second degree burns???? It was that bad???

"Second degree burns?!?! That's insane!" The blond guy with the black zig zag stripe in his hair said walking forward to take in the scene before him.

"Well, it's an explosion. What do you expect Kaminari?" A girl with short dark purple hair said as she was twisting plugs with her fingers. "What? You expect me to be like, 'oh! Second degree burns? Could be worse.' You expect that?!" He asks moving his gaze towards the purple haired girl. She jabbed her elbow into his stomach which mad enough him cover his stomach and let out an 'oof'. She giggled a little bit.

My Guardian Angel || BnhaVarious x Reader (fem)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя