Chapter 55

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Both Deku and [Name] charged straight for Chisaki. But were soon stopped as he then began to create a pillar of stone upwards lifting himself at least four stories up a building.

He's better at anticipating his attacks. But I can't dodge forever. Deku slammed his foot to the ground. He charged it up further and the glove on his right arm then teared away. I have to hold out. A little longer! Chisaki isn't going to back down. He'll die before giving Eri up. Chisaki attempted to swipe at Deku but he saw through that and quickly dodged to the side.

I have to do this quickly, if I aim for him he'll just repair himself. I need to go further. Deku landed to the ceiling and used his strength to bounce straight off as he held his leg down towards Chisaki. One shot to the head! He threw his leg down and felt it connect with something hard. The debris kept him from seeing anything around him. But that all quickly cleared up and to Deku's surprise, he wasn't even hurt, and he was back a few feet away from where he thought Chisaki would be. He dodged?!

"You may be fast, but compared to the last two," Chisaki put one of his mutated arms to the ground. "The lines of your movements are painfully easy to predict!" [Name] saw the wave of spikes hurdling Deku's way. Her eyes widened as she wen and flew up to where Deku's was.

She flew over and pushed him out of the way, however, the sharp pain in her leg then came through her. She was hit. But she'd rather get hurt than see her best friend be hurt. She but her lip to keep from screaming. But that wouldn't stop the shout in pain that came out of her mouth. She landed back onto the ground but Deku was thrown a good distance away from her. She stood up as her legs shook in their place.

"Why do you always have to be so stubborn, [L/N]? Your done, kid." Her brows were furrowed in disgust and fury. Hearing his words were like a poison to the ears. She reached down and pulled the large stone shard from her leg. As she did this, blood spilled from her bare leg. She's already hurt so much now. Why does she still stand?

Deku regained himself and looked to see [Name] standing and holding a large shard in her hand. He noticed the large wound and his eyes widened. She sacrificed herself for me?

"Just shut up." She said through her teeth as she hissed. She clenched her hand into a fist, which caused the shard to break under her hands. Their eyes widened at this. She wasn't even using her quirk except for her wings. How strong was she?

"I'm sick of hearing your disgusting voice." She looked up and eyed down Overhaul with so much intensity and wrath. "If you think for one second, that you are going to have Eri back. You are so very mistaken." She yelled. Her hair covering her face as her teeth gritted against each other. "I won't allow you to hurt Eri any longer!!"

Overhaul lifted his hand up and in his palm formed a mouth.

"Someone else is about to die because of you! Is that really what you want?! ERI!!" The mouth shouted.

"Wait..." Eri called out behind them. She took one step forward onto the cold ground. "Its not." She stepped forward more with tears falling down her face non stop. "I don't want this."

"Eri! Go back! You need to stay with Lemillion Eri!!" Deku shouted towards her from the other side of [Name].

"Eri..." She staggered back slightly. "Look at them injured and alone. Come back with me, and they won't have to die because of you." Her eyes were wide with fear. [Name] looked back in shock and hoping and silently praying that she wouldn't let Overhaul get the better of her. She stopped and looked forward at Overhaul.

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