Chapter 23

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Jay's P. O. V.

After a few hours of test after test, they finally bring me back to my room to sleep. Ben should be back soon so they can tell us the results together, but right now I'm not even sure I'll be able to stay awake long enough. My body just feels so exhausted.

When was the last time I actually woke up feeling refreshed? Just as my eyes are about to drop closed, my phone buzzes with a text from Ben. 'Be there soon! Bringing supper :)'

Despite my tired state, I can't help but smile. Maybe I'll just try to stay awake so I'm not sleeping when he gets here. I'm not sure how much I really feel like eating, but for some reason just seeing him always cheers me up a bit.

I sit up with a frown as my chest becomes rattling again. I let out a few harsh coughs as I try to clear my airways, but it doesn't help much and instead just hurts my chest. I rub the pained spot and lay back with a frustrated sigh.

At least I'm not so nauseous anymore. Coughing earlier just made the feeling of needing to puke worse. They gave me painkillers for my headache, so it's died down for once.

The door creaks open and I turn to see Ben shuffling in with his arms full. "Hey." I rattle out, and break into a coughing fit again.

His eyebrows scrunch with concern and he quickly tries to set all the things he's holding down before rushing over to me.

I manage to catch my breath after a few moments, and give him a weak smile.

Something flashes in his eyes, and he pulls me into a hug. I relish in the comforting feeling for a moment before pulling away.

"I brought food." He smiles but something in his expression doesn't quite match the look in his eyes.

"Did you eat?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "I'm not very hungry right now." He says, trying to brush off my question.

I purse my lips and stare at him. He continues pulling out containers, napkins, and utensils, until I finally catch his gaze.

"What's that look for?" He asks.

"Well, you're all worried about me, but I'm worried about you." I catch a slight flush of his cheeks, but he stays silent.

"I'm fine." He finally mumbles, but his face betrays him for the truth.

"Ben." I say in a warning tone, ready to scold him about taking care of himself.

The door to the room opens, interrupting the start of my speech. Ben's dad walks in with a file and plops back onto his rolling stool. "Alright, I've got the results here." He slaps the file onto the bed.

I catch Ben's eye with a look that I hope communicates that our conversation will be finished later.

"I'll let you guys look over it; Ben has enough medical experience by now that he'll be able to understand it. Look it over, talk a bit, and let me know when you're ready to discuss treatment options." He exits the room and I catch his neutral expression shift to worry just as he closes the door.

I stare at the file for a few moments, scared to even look at its information. I track Ben's expression to the same thought process and after a few moments of contemplation, finally lean over to pick it up.

Ben's P.O.V.
He picks up the file folder and slowly opens it, eyes reading the lines. The tension in the room is heightened. My eyes catch his shaking hands and my stomach drops. Please, don't let it be what I think it is. He doesn't deserve it.

Jay's P.O.V.

There's always one moment.

A point of no return.

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