Chapter 25

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Darren sits on a crate. "On that note, what's troubling you?"

I sigh, wiping some juice off my chin and turning my gaze to the sky.

The sun has now peaked over the horizon, the oranges and yellows blending into a soft blue-white.

"I guess... things are just changing so fast. I've always been used to a routine, now it seems like things are spiraling out of control." I finally admit.

He nods. "Change often feels uprooting. Adjustments take time and I think a lot of people forget to stop and consider that. One day you're in high school and the next you're moving out. You're used to the same people and then suddenly it seems like you don't know anyone around you.

I won't say it's easy, but once you get used to a new scenario, it can bring a lot of good, often in ways you don't expect."

I stare thoughtfully into the distance, considering his words.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I think I'm probably just not very good at adapting." I remark, playing with my fingers.

"Comes with time I guess. Been through so much change now that I'm slowly gettin used to some of it. Don't think anyone is ever hundred percent comfortable with it though." He says, organizing crates.

"Just gotta focus on what stays the same and what you can control." He suggests.

I nod, standing and thanking him for the fruit before bidding him goodbye.

I continue on my morning run, a new perspective slowly melding to my older thoughts.

I suddenly realize that my lungs are struggling to keep up. I have to stop and catch my breath again.

I look up and realize I'm not too far from the apartment, so instead I continue the rest of the block before heading down the hall to our place. I'm still slightly wheezing as I open the door.

Ben is standing in the kitchen and immediately turns to me as I enter.

"I was starting to think you'd disappeared on me forever. Whoa... you'd better go sit down." He says, wincing at the end of his remark.

Do I really look that bad?

He guides me to the couch and I sit down as I slowly regain my breath.

Ben climbs onto the armrest, watching me.

"What were you doing? I didn't think clearing your head involved a heavy-breathing session worthy of a marathon."

I shrug, still panting. "Went... for... a run." I frown and cough harshly for a few moments.

Ben purses his lips, his eyebrows crinkling in concern.

"Jay, no offense, but what part of your brain thought that was a good idea? You have pneumonia." He points out.

I shrink back. "Just wanted... to run... again," I say.

His expression softens, his hand moving to my shoulder.

"I know it's something you enjoy, but you need to take it easy for a while."

I break into another coughing fit and flop back against the couch as it ends.

A ringing suddenly echoes in the kitchen, and Ben disappears momentarily, returning with his phone in hand.

"Yeah, just for a few hours. I don't want to leave Jay alone too long." He pauses, listening to the response.

"Okay, yeah. I'll be there in like 5 minutes."

I break into another coughing fit and wince at the pain in my lungs, shooting Ben an apologetic look for all the noise I'm making.

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