Chapter 24

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"Jay?" He asks. I awkwardly break eye contact.

"Uh, yep coming sorry." I take his hand and he helps me out of the car, shutting the door and walking side by side with me as we go into the apartment building.

He stifles a yawn as he unlocks the door.

"I'm going to get a snack, do you want anything?" He asks, rifling through the fridge.

I shake my head and stretch. "No, I'm going to take a shower." I toe the carpet, hesitating. "Could... could I borrow some clothes?"

He peeks around the fridge door. "Yeah, of course. That reminds me, Alexa said she'd bring your stuff by sometime, but I should probably call her to set up a time so we know someone's here to let her in. You have any preference for a specific day?"

I bite my lip. "Just... later this week."

He nods, going back to searching the fridge. "I'll just call her while you shower. Also, if you put your clothes outside the door I'll throw them in the wash with my stuff. I'm behind on laundry."

"Okay." I go down the hall to his bedroom and sift through the closet, finding a hoodie.

After a bit of digging through his dresser drawer I manage to find some lounge pants that match well enough, before going to undress in the bathroom, turning the shower on to let the water warm up.

I toss my dirty clothes outside the door and step into the shower, letting the hot water run down my body.

I can't help but start to overthink. I have cancer. Why would Ben want me to stay here? He'd have to take care of me all the time, and I don't even have a job.

How am I supposed to pay for anything? I can't just leech off Ben forever, I'm already feeling guilty.

I sigh, running my fingers through my shampoo-covered hair.

I have to find a job. At this point, anything that will help pay the bills. I can't depend on other people forever.

Of course, that phrase makes me think of Lex. I need to tell her somehow, but she's got enough problems of her own without worrying about mine.

I should tell her, but I don't know if I can bring myself to do so yet.

I rinse, shutting off the shower before I step out and start to dry off and get dressed.

A wave of dizziness suddenly passes over me and I clutch onto the edge of the counter while frowning. It passes after a few moments, and I continue getting dressed, pulling on the pants I borrowed from Ben.

Unfortunately, another wave follows, and even after it fades I realize I'm feeling extremely lightheaded.

I lean heavily over the counter with my head down and take a few deep breaths, but it doesn't change.

I scrunch my eyes closed for a second and then decide to sit on the floor for a bit, hoping it will pass.

I bite my lip. Maybe I should just call for Ben. I tilt by head back against the cabinet and sigh. If I do that, he'll worry more.

I spend about 10 minutes just sitting on the floor before I finally give in and just shout his name. "Ben?"

I hear a clatter in the kitchen and then, "Just a sec!"

I hear his footsteps come down the hall before he raps on the door.

"I'm here. What's up?"

"Just kinda lightheaded, could you bring me some water?" I ask.

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