Chapter 2

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I open my eyes again to find Ben looking at me with worry. Damn it, he's biting his lip again. It's like he knows that turns me on.

I blink in confusion for a moment, trying to remember where I am. I look at the white walls and things slowly come back to me.

"Sorry," I whisper to Ben. He looks at me in confusion. "For what?" he questions. "Said I'd stay awake," I say. He looks at me for what feels like eons.

"Just don't do it again," he tells me, winking with those green eyes. I look around the room and notice we're alone.

"Where'd the doctor go?" I ask. "He'll be back in a minute. I told him what happened earlier and he went to grab some papers or something. How are you feeling?" "Been better," I say, grimacing.

My head is still throbbing, but I don't tell him that. My body feels exhausted. He looks at me thoughtfully. "Why were you running so fast? You looked like you were really pushing yourself." I blush. "Well, I kinda saw this cute boy looking at me earlier... and wanted to get his number?" I say, searching his eyes.

The door opens, interrupting our conversation. I glance over at Ben, but he's looking at the doctor instead of me. He's probably straight and I just embarrassed myself.

"Jay," the doctor says, "good to see you're awake. I have some questions for you." I ignore my throbbing head and all of my thoughts toward Ben, trying instead to focus on what the doctor's saying.

"Okay, do you play any sports?" He starts. "Football," I say. "I see. Have you guys started your training yet?" "Yeah, we started this week actually." "Interesting." He says, tapping his pen on his clipboard. "What kinds of physical activities have you been doing this week? What has your schedule consisted of?" "Morning run, three hours of training, and an afternoon run each day." I list.

The doctor and Ben make eye contact. "Alright, I'll be right back. Wait here for a second." The doctor leaves the room again and it's just Ben and I. "Jay?" He says. "Yeah?" I think back to what I said to him. 'Stop getting your hopes up. He's probably straight.' I think to myself.

"Why have you been doing so many activities this week?" he asks. Okay, not what I was expecting. Not sure whether that's good or bad. I sigh and flinch when pain shoots through my head again.

My vision swims momentarily, then fades back to normal. I shake my head. Ben looks at me carefully. "Jay? You okay?" "Uhm, yeah." I lie. I'm already crushing on a straight guy. At this point, things can't get much worse.

"I just... needed to get out of the house," I say, which isn't really a lie. I'm just not planning on telling him why. Ben tilts his head at me, ready to ask the question I don't want to answer.

The doctor saves me by coming back in. "Here's the lowdown, Jay. You've overworked yourself. With training and what I'd guess is more running than you usually do, your body can't keep up. On top of that, you're not giving yourself the proper diet for so much work. You need to take things easy. I sent an email to your coach since I'm close friends with him. You have to take a week off and rest. No strenuous physical activities."

I sigh. I suppose I already knew something like that was coming. I just don't know how I'm going to tell my dad that.

"You're free to go now. Call me if you need anything," he says. As he leaves, he turns to Ben. "Don't forget, supper on Saturday is at 5. Your mother will not be happy if you're late."

He walks out, leaving me confused. "Wait, was that your dad?" I say. "Yeah," he says, nodding. "Oh," I say, dumbfounded. "Well, you ready to go?" Ben asks, looking at me as he stands up. "I think so," I say.

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