Chapter 4

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I awake to the sound of clattering. As I sleepily open my eyes, I process that I'm still in Ben's bed.

I pull off the covers, yawning, and make my way out to the kitchen where the noises are coming from. My feet drag on the floor as I wander over to the barstools and sit down.

Ben looks up from his cooking with messy bedhead. I smile at him sleepily. "Morning." I greet him. "Good morning," he responds, eyes twinkling. "You okay with eggs and bacon?" I nod, watching him pull out pans and ingredients.

He's biting his lip again, this time in concentration, and I have to resist the urge to kiss him. He glances up at me, catching me staring. I quickly look away.

"How are you feeling?" he asks. I sit for a moment, assessing myself. "Definitely better than last night," I mumble. "That reminds me," he says, "I made you another appointment with my dad later today. After breakfast, I'll take you home for a bit so you can shower and such. I'll pick you up around 4:30 for the appointment and then we can do supper together again. Sound okay?" I nod, trying to mask my excitement.

He slides a plate across the counter. "Dig in." I pull a heavily loaded fork to my mouth and close my eyes at the amazing flavor. 'Damnnnn. This boy can cook too.' I think. "This is AMAZING." I compliment him. He smiles and... is that a slight blush or did I imagine it?

Before long my plate is completely clear. Ben swipes it away with a smile, starting on the dishes. "Ben?" I say. He looks up from the suds of the sink. "Hm?" I pause, unsure how to voice what I want to ask. Actually, there's a lot of things I want to ask him, but I've chosen to start with an easier question.

"Why were you up so late last night?" He glances at me. "Oh, I was just... working on something." he shrugs. I can tell he's hiding something, but I decide not to push him. My head still aches, but I don't say anything. He seems to worry about me enough.

I run a hand through my hair, thinking of how my father will probably react to all this. Not only this, I'm getting attached to Ben. I've started to notice every little thing about him. I'm still wearing his clothes that I slept in, but I'm hesitant to change back into my clothes from yesterday.

"By the way, I plugged your phone in by the bed last night. It should be sitting on the nightstand." Ben tells me. I look up at him, slightly startled out of my own thoughts. His green eyes are peering at me. "You okay?" he questions. "Yeah, I'm fine."

I push away from the counter and wander down the hall to grab my phone. I open it, finding more messages from my sister. 'Your friend better not be a girl.' I laugh inwardly. Well no, my friend isn't a girl. I scroll, finding another. "When are you coming home?" I look at the clock, realizing how late in the morning it is. 'Should be home by 11.' I type back.

I slide my phone into my pocket and move back to the living room, ignoring my throbbing headache. Ben spots me as soon as I walk in.

"I'm almost ready. I just want to get these plates dried and put away quickly before we go," he says. I walk over to him, picking up a towel and silently helping him. "You don't have to do that," he says, stopping mid dry. I snatch the plate from his fingers. "I want to," I say defiantly, drying off the plate and putting it in the cabinet. He lets a small smile escape. I put away the last dish and Ben grabs his car keys.

We head out the door and climb into the car. As I buckle myself I think back to yesterday. He couldn't be gay too, could he? The way his soft fingers were so gentle and seemingly loving... I'm thrown for a loop. But no... his dad is a doctor, so he just has an instinct to help people I'm sure. I'm no different than anyone else.

We pull into my driveway and I freeze for a moment, suddenly realizing I'm still wearing Ben's clothes. I turn to him. "I'm still wearing your clothes," I say. "Yes?" he says. He blinks at me for a moment. "I'm going to see you again later. You can just return them then." I try to fend off a blush, feeling a little silly. My clothes are still at his house too, but I guess I'm going back there as well so it doesn't matter.

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