Chapter 3 Hermione P.O.V (rewrite)

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I stared fixated at the mirror opposite my bed in the Leakey Cauldron. Even though Molly had offered me to stay with them at the Burrow but just stepping through the thresh-hold I get bombarded with Ron, he was everywhere, his belongings that still held his smell, it all brought back Ron.

I loved Ron, it was a  known fact that we dated for about a month at the start of the war, but he came out as gay. Ron was exceptionally brave and kind, he helped me discover who I was and he supported me as I came out to everyone. There is no one word that I can use to describe Ron, he was brave, stubborn, kind, one of the smartest people I know but at the same time unbelievably stupid.

I could not stay here any longer, the tearing pain in my heart was just getting too much to bear, I decided to take up my sister's offer and stay with her at Forks where I could start anew and nobody would know who I was. I raced around the room collecting all my belongings shoving them into their respective bags before throwing them into my enchanted bag. I ran from the room throwing the money I owed tom on the desk, before escaping the crowded bar.  As I started walking down the street I could not shake the feeling that I was being followed every step felt like they were taking longer, my pulse in my ears like a taunting clock as the muggles pushed past me, for split seconds sending me back to the war.

A crowded airport. Hundreds of people. Limited hiding places. Why did I have to make myself so vulnerable? I could not help the constant biting of my nails as I made my way to the desk, I soon had the all familiar metallic taste oozing from my fingers.  The lady at the desk looked concerned as she got my ticket.  I looked down at my boarding pass. I just had to wait. I just had to wait for three hours. Three hours in a crowded airport. 

"Excuse me are you going to Forks Washington," I asked the first person I saw as the exhaustion of being alive at the moment had truly become too much

"Yeah what's it to you" 

"Please I need a ride I'll pay you"

The man I approached had copper skin and a mature face, he must have been about twenty, his hair was coal black and his eyes were a deep dark brown. He gave me a sympathetic smile something  I had to get used to while in England, "sure where do you want to be dropped off"

I am convinced the drive felt longer than it actually was as this kind stranger pulled up just outside of Forks, he offered to drive me directly to my destination but I declined and tried to give him all the American muggle money I had, a total of twenty dollars, but the kind stranger refused.  My every limb continued to throb and pulsate as I tried to keep putting one foot in front of the next as it tried to retrace the steps in my mind to Bella's house trying to think back to my visits when I was younger

I slowly made my way up to the red wooden door practically dragging my feet down the driveway, I let out a slight squeal of pain as I raised my arm to knock on the door.

How did you like the rewrite and the little cameo of a certain alpha, Sam Uley? Thank you for all the support I truly appreciate you all.

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