Chapter 46 Hermione P.O.V

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I hoped that the pain would stop but it continued, it was like I was my own Dementor except there is no Patronus to save me

I slowly opened my eyes becoming blinded by a bright white light, I looked around all those I held dear to me even Lily and James Potter were there. "Thank you Hermione for looking after Harry for us," Lily said stepping forward to embrace me in a tight motherly hug.

"Hermione you have to get over this" Ron said beside me "I know you miss us all dearly but you could die and next time you will die" the other spirits had dispersed leaving just Ron and I

"Why I have nothing to live for you should have just let that killing cures get me"

"Hermione you have everything to live for" he grabbed my hand, I felt a strong pull as I landed in front of Bella sobbing her heart out, Alice was sat by my body as Carlisle was trying to figure out what was wrong with me. "Hermione all these people love you, you have everything to live for" I lowered my head it felt as if he was asking me to forget him "I am not asking you to forget me but if you carry on like this my death would mean nothing"

I looked over at Alice then back at Ron "I am so sorry" I flung my arms around him sobbing uncontrollably "I will try I promise"

Ron kissed my nose lightly "goodbye Hermione"

"Goodbye Ron I love you" I sobbed giving him one last hug.

I slowly opened my eyes, Alice's bright eyes were the first thing I saw slowly I sat up, she pressed her lips against mine, the moment of pure bliss sawed through me as we shared a passionate kiss.

Bella also came in pulling in into a tight hug I felt awful for worrying her, I knew what I had to do, I handed Bella a note. She pulled Edward away following the instructions on the note. When Bella finally returned Alice and I were sat in the living room, Bella handed me an oak ornate box, I took a deep breath before saying "I need to tell everyone something" everyone else was in their rooms so I knew that they could hear me.

They all gathered in the living room, I took another deep breath before starting "I am a witch" everyone looked at me as if I was speaking an alien language, I opened the box and removed my wand "anyone want to guess what this is" Carlisle eyes went wide in realisation

"A stick" Emmet guessed

"It's a wand" Carlisle's eyes refused to stray from the thin decadent piece of wood I held in my hands

I nodded before continuing "I went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" Everyone accepts Carlisle and Bella had the same confused look on their faces "Expecto Patronum" I thought about Alice our first kiss. The brightest sapphire otter swam around the air, Emmet had a look of amazement on his face.

Having my wand back in my hands put me on edge, when the snap of a twig sounded through the air I instantly disapparated to the sound, my wand clutched tightly in my hand ready to attach any death eaters who might attach me. I turned around to see everyone with worried expression on their faces.

I decided that I would lower my shields and guards, Edward looked confused at this extra voice he was hearing, Jasper looked at me with a smirk as I felt myself relax. Alice kissed my cheek as she coiled her arm around me. We went back into the house "I expect you have lot's of questions"

"What's with the" Rose never got to finish her sentence

"The robes are ceremonial, today is the one year anniversary since the end of the second wizarding war"

"What happened," Esme asked gently

"an evil wizard named Voldemort slowly regained power trying to take over the wizarding war" I explained everything that had happened since I was eleven all the way up to the end of the war. At the end of the story, everyone looked as if they were about to cry as they all embraced me in a hug. I thought I saw Ron's reflection in the window so I mothed 'thank you' just as he disappeared. I felt happy, at least I had the chance to say goodbye.

It was like I was my own Dementor except there is no Patronus to save me, until Alice was with me. Alice was my Patronus.

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