Chapter 56 Alice P.O.V

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"Come on Alice" Hermione called for me for about the hundredth time

"I am not going to be responsible for the battle that will ensue from those awful things you call clothes"

"Hey I have you know that I have been wearing them since I was eleven"

"Well that explains a lot" Hermione started laughing at me

"Alice you are being overdramatic"

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you"

A few hours later and several complaints about Rosalie taking forever to get ready, we were all stood in a circle holding hands.

A tight feeling squeezed and pulled me in every direction, discombobulating me. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I doubled over gaging violently. I was glad that everyone else did.

"You... could... have... warned us," Rosalie said in-between gags

"You never asked" Hermione kept her composer despite holding on to a wall for balance, "are you coming" I quickly rose to my feet grabbing her hand

We walk to the pub as we enter Hermione pulled the hood of her cloak up to cover her face, before starting to make her way through. "Um Hermione just one quick question," Carry asks as the door to the swung shut "what the hell are we doing in a pub alleyway"

"You'll see" and with the tap of the bricks the red wall was replaced with a bustling street

"What the fu" Emmet started only to be interrupted

"Language"   Esme scolded. We all made our way to the small shop on the left-hand side of the cobbled pavement

"Good morning Madam Malkin" Hermione greeted the elderly woman behind the counter as she removed her hood

"Miss Granger how can I help you and your friends" the old woman walked around her counter to address Hermione

"Everyone needs dress robes except Alice and me" The lady nodded as she set to work "I need to run a quick errand I will be back in about ten minutes" Hermione pulled her cloak back over her face and left the shop

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