Chapter 38 Hermione P.O.V

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I opened the window like I did every morning just staring out at the slowly rising sun. It was nice to feel the snowflakes on my face. Chrismas had caused the school to close for the holidays, I was plagued with all the happy memories of Christmas at Hogwarts, the Burrow, with Ron. I was going to the Burrow on boxing day. The Cullens had invited us around for dinner on Christmas day. As the festivity made people around Forks happy, they only made me feel empty and depressed. Bella and Charlie noticed this in fact everyone did and they tried their best to cheer me up but without knowing what was wrong they could not do anything.

I sat on my bed without closing my window, I knew that Edward was most likely with Bella, I allowed myself to get lost in my thoughts and wallow in my own guilt and shame. I felt the cold wind slam across my face, the weight on the bed shifted, I felt a burst of joy as I looked over to see Alice, "MERRY CHRISTMAS" she silently screamed knowing that Bella and Charlie were still asleep, I rolled my eyes at the enthusiasm of my little pixy. I knew that our love would only be frond upon by the wizarding community a vampire and a witch but more fool them.

"Please do  not remind me" I instantly regretted saying this Alice hated it when I was sad

"Come on Hermione, please just tell me why you are sad you are my mate" I looked deep into her gold eyes, guilt suddenly filled me I quickly looked away, Alice grabbed me by the shoulders pulling me to lie down on her lap "please talk to me" I needed to change the subject quickly or I would start crying and tell her everything.

I put my fingers behind her neck interlocking them, before gently pulling her down so our lips connected, the electricity that I always felt when I held Alice flew through my body, her ice-cold tongue wrapped around mine, I felt at peace safe with Alice, we broke away to let me breathe. Alice stayed with me for hours, Charlie had to go down to the station so it just left Alice, Edward, Bella and me alone all day, we were sat in the kitchen Bella enjoying several pancakes. Alice and I were enjoying our time, more creatively making Edward roll his eyes. Alice suddenly froze with a blank glassy expression coting her eyes.

"I just had a vision, someone with platinum blond hair that was it I could see" Alice pulled me onto her lap but I could tell she was still dazed when my phone started to ring, I excused my self and stepped outside.

"Hello," I said down the phone

"Granger" the voice replied, I knew the voice all too well

"Malfoy, how did you get my number"

"that's not important, I need a favour" the bloody cheek, he thinks that after everything he did I will get help him.

"go to hell" I hung up, took a deep breath before returning to the kitchen.

"Is everything alright?" Bella asked I must still have had an angry look on my face

"Yes, just great" Alice floated to my side and wrapped her arms around me. The day passed quickly and before we knew it, Edward and Alice had to go before Charlie got back.

Bella made dinner but I was not hungry and just went to bed without another word. I could not sleep I just lay there staring up at the ceiling. It was making me crazy not doing anything so I made my way over to the window as if it were the morning I opened it staring out at the falling snow, I felt something wet hit my cheek as my thoughts fell on Ron. I shut the window and made my way to the wardrobe taking out my coat and a small present for Ron. I decided to bring a book and a small blanket.

As the graveyard came into view a sharp ice-cold wind practically knocked me off my feet. I look around me all I can see is the hills made by the mountains of snow piling up next to them, I make the familiar walk to Ron's grave, with a flic of my wand the snow is cleared "Merry Christmas" I said to Ron as I place the small present at the head of his grave, it was a small muggle chess peace the knight.

I wrapped myself up in my blanket as I continued to talk to him about my plans, I allowed the tears to spill down my cheeks something I would never do if Bella was near. I opened my book and continued to read it, I read it aloud to him. Even when my eyes became too heavy to continue I just sat there with Ron. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke to the slowly rising sun and the ice-cold morning breath. I stood up freezing "Merry Christmas Ron" I repeated just as I had done getting there before disapparating back home.

It was around eight o'clock, so I knew Bella and Charlie were most likely downstairs eating, I jumped into the warm shower allowing the water to flow over me, I quickly washed as the tears started to fall again. I quickly went to my room, I dried my hair and got on a jumper and some jeans before sorting out my eyes so they looked less red.

They were both sat in the kitchen, Bella was cooking and dad was sat at the table with his usual mug of coffee. "Merry Christmas" Bella had a massive grin spread across her face, I just smiled not having the energy to even muster the words to sound convincing.

"What's wrong," Charlie asked

"Nothing, I spent all night with Ron, I am just a little tired"

Dispight being with Bella and Dad I still had the cloud of guilt for the dead and their families.

We all got to the Cullens before dinner and sat talking in the living room the guilt refused to leave me. Esme cooked a delicious meal the Cullens nearly pushed the food about their plates and gave the impression that they were consuming the food. After dinner, everyone went back into the living room.  I held back in the dining room, trying to prevent the tears. threatening to fall.

I knew that they would hear me so I slipped out the front door casting a silencing charm as I went and sat on the steps, I snapped my head around as I heard the door open, Jasper came and sat next to me, "Hermione why do you feel guilt and sadness today it is Christmas after all" his usual southern charm making me want to tell him, Alice often tries the same thing on me.

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