Chapter 14 Hermione P.O.V

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Bella fell asleep in the car so Edward brought her inside and lay her down on her bed.

"Edward can I have a word" I was terrified I was willingly allowing a vampire into my room

"I..." I was interrupted by a tapping at my window without even thinking I ran to the cupboard and took out my wand.

I slowly walked to the window and opened the curtains, there was only an owl there. I put my wand back in my pocket and took the package from the owl before it flew away.

Edward was giving me a funny look I am not suppressed I must have looked insane. I put the package on my desk before turning to him. "I know that you are a vampire"

He seemed confused "Are you alright?" he asked slowly

"She worked it out Edward" Bella sleepily walked into my room

"oh when"

"When we first met"

"how" he was starring at the wand in my hand

Bella turned and left the room "I am trusting you with my sister do not make me regret my desition"

He clearly was not expecting me to say this "I would never hurt Bella"

"Alright good night Edward"

"Goodnight Hermione" He quickly left my room threw the open window.

I put my wand away and opened the package it was a blank book with a letter attached

Hi Hermione
I understand that you might still be cross at me for how we
fort about you leaving I want to keep talking for Ron. I found
the two-way diary you made. I love you Hermione you are the
sister I never had. Everyone here says hello.
Missing you from

I missed him dearly. I opened the diary but felt a wave of tiredness wash over me, so I changed into some pyjamas and went to sleep.

Healing with the moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें