Chapter 19 Bella P.O.V

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I felt horrible seeing my sister hurting so much.

"It's not your fault" I had pulled off the road

"If Ron had not jumped in front of the curse I would be dead not him"

"Don't you dare say that he would be feeling the exact same way"

"But what about everyone who died. Why do I have the right to live but they don't"

"But, but" I started to cry as much as Hermione

"Sometimes I wish I had died"

"NO, I could not live without you" I lent over the gear stick and held her we sat there and she just cried into my neck

"We don't want to be late" I pulled back onto the road and we headed back on our way to the reservation.

"Hey Bella" he called to me after stepping out of the car, he gave me a hug as Hermione stepped out of the car

"Jake this is Hermione"

"Good Evening"

"Wow your British" 

"Yes I was raised there" Hermione answered to a gobsmacked Jacobe

We went inside the cramped house that always made me think of a small barn and had a delicious dinner although I noticed Hermione picking at hers.

On the drive home, we sat in silence until I had enough.

"We need to talk"

"About what?"

"You told me that you sometimes wish you died"

"So" I interrupted her before she could finish her sentence

"Hermione you are alive stop wishing you died be thankful that you lived"

"Bella you have no clue what it is like having to see your friends dead bodies line the hall, find out that your parents have been killed, be tortured, not know if your sister was alive. I was scared and every time I close my eyes all I see is the war."

I carried on driving trying to fight back the tears. We soon arrived back at the house. 

"I love you, Hermione" 

"I love you too" She went into the house leaving me in the car. I rested my head on the steering wheel.

The passenger door opened and a cold hand rested across my back.

"What is wrong?" Edward was sat next to me with a look of worry on his face

I could not explain I just threw my arms around him and carried on crying. He picked me up and took me out of the car. The cold air was soothing on my face, he jumped through my open window. Edward sat me on his lap on my bed gently rocking me and stroking my hair until I eventually fell asleep.

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