Chapter 58 Hermione P.O.V

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"We are going to be late," I tell Alice

Nobody was ready for the ball, I quickly grabbed my dress robes lying out them on the bed, I strip down to my underwear. With a quick wave of my wand, I was dressed and in front of the mirror brushing my hair. When I had finished my hair was a straight wave down my back, I had two thin plats crossing around the back of my head securing them in place with a purple gem hairpin and discrete bobby pins

 When I had finished my hair was a straight wave down my back, I had two thin plats crossing around the back of my head securing them in place with a purple gem hairpin and discrete bobby pins

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I felt a cool kiss on my cheek "Hermione I know you want everything to look perfect but staring at the mirror for fifteen minutes is not going to help"

I shook my head realising that I had not put on the top layer of my robes "sorry lost my train of thought" my horrid scar on full show

Alice took my arm turning me to face her "you look amazing" self-conscious about my scar I quickly retract my hand turning to grab my top layer it was a deep purple petticoat with shiny brown string and buttons and a high collar.

Alice slowly put on her robes complaining, "what's the matter princess" I laughed at her face as she stuck her tongue out like a spoiled child

"I don't know how you wore this" she complained as she neatly brushed her hair, before sliding in her hairpin, hers was gold encrusted with light blue gems that swirled into flowers and twirls. Alice lightly brushed make-up over my face much to my detest but I have to admit I looked a lot better with it, it's not like I always were make-up it is just this once.

"Come on we are going to be late" I quickly pulled on my shoes taking Alice by the arm taking her downstairs. We all gathered in a circle in the living room holding hands before disapparating to Hogsmead.

We made our way up to Hogwarts, I laughed at everyone's faces they were all amazed at the tall architecture "come on" I smiled leading them to the great hall

The finest decorations had been hung around the hall, the others took a set around a table in a far corner of the room. I made my way over to Minerva "good evening Minerva"

"Good evening Miss Granger, how are you"

"I am well, how are you"

"I am good thank you, I knew that you were the perfect person for planning for the ball"

"Thank you, Minerva" she swiftly glided way to greet other guests "Luna how are you" I greeted the blond witch

"Hello Hermione, I am happy how are you it has been too long since saw last saw you"

"I am great, is it true that you and Nevil are engaged"

"Yes, we are planning on getting married at Christmas"

"That is great, congratulations" Luna bid me goodbye and crossed the room to greet Nevile

"Hey Mione" I turned quickly to face Harry

"What do you want Harry" I was still angry at how Harry had treated Alice

"I want to apologise for how I spoke to you and Alice I was being a real git," Harry said earnestly

"You right you were but you are my git and at least you admitted it and that's what I truly love about you" I wrapped my arms tightly around him, I noticed Harry starring at my face "what"

"I have not seen you smile this wide for years, she truly makes you happy"

"Yes she does" Harry took my hand and lead me to the centre of the dance floor, he lay his hand gently on my hip still holding my hand, we dance for a few minutes

"Ow what was that for" harry yelped after I kicked him in the ankle

"You trod on my toe"

"I always said I can't dance" I laughed as Harry's face slowly filled with a rosy blush, we soon parted as he took Ginny on the dance floor

I looked around the hall trying to keep up a smile of my hard work, my head started to swim I could see the shadowy figures of the dead and wounded lying there side by side, but everyone just kept dancing through them, I was the only one who could see them "hey what's wrong" Alice had snuck up behind me

"Nothing" I took Alice by the hand dragging her to the dance floor the weird sisters were playing a slow song, I rested my head on her shoulder nestling my face into the crook of her neck. 

"You can tell me if something is wrong" Alice pushed again, I was not going to ruin this evening

"It's nothing" I kissed her nose "Molly and the rest of them what to meet you," I said a small feeling of a dread building inside of me "come on"

"Molly, Arther" I greeted the red-haired duo, Molly instantly wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hermione" Molly finally released me before Arther wrapped his arms around me lighter than Molly but still tight.  

"This is Alice she is my girlfriend" I introduced "warning Molly is very huggy" I whispered under my breath

"Huggy" Alice whispered, instantly Molly tightly hugged Alice "I see it now," she said before hugging Molly back, I had trouble hiding a slight giggle

"Little Mione" Fred and George said in unison before wrapping me in a hug, introducing them to Alice, I did the same for Bill, Flur, Charlie and Percy

it was well past midnight when the ball concluded, I lead Alice and everyone else back the way we came, I was shattered as my feet touched the forest floor just outside of the Cullens house,

"Come on you need to sleep," Alice said dragging me into the house and up the stairs to her room. As soon as my head touched the pillow I fell asleep.

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