Chapter 52 Hermione P.O.V

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Have I done something wrong? the thoughts swarmed my head as to my Minerva wanted to see me. "I best be off" I kissed Alice before disapparating to Hogwarts.

I landed in Hogsmead and instantly ducked into an ally-way I never liked the fame I had received after the war. I never did it for fame I did it so that tomorrow would be filled with equality also, Harry and Ron were so incompetent they would die only after an hour. I placed my hands on my shoulders and followed the material till I had the centre of the hood, I gently pulled it up covering my face before checking the coast was clear and swiftly making my way up to the shrieking shack.

I was surprised at how well I remembered the passageway through the house. I quickly got out the way of the willow before it could regain movement. The moon kissed ground pushed me into a memory of my first detention with Ron and Harry.

I forced myself back to the present quickly making my way across the wet grass, when I finally reached the entrance hall I was instantly warmed, I slowly pulled my hood down and followed the all familiar hallways trying to avoid Pevies, "Good evening Hermione Granger" a soft feminine voice spoke

"It is so nice to see you again Helena" I had befriended her just after the war


I don't know how long I had been sobbing for at one point I had asked death to take me and allow someone else to take my place as I was not worthy of the gift of life.

"I think your friends would disagree with you there Hermione Granger" I could hear the pain  in the voice that spoke

"You're the grey lady"

"Please call me Helena"

"I survived and so many people died my parents died because of me"

"They all died being brave you must now carry on their bravery" we continued talking into the night


We spoke as I made my way to Minervas office "goodbye Hermione Granger"

"It was lovely speaking to you Helena, do you know the password"

"Boom," she said before bidding me goodnight and disappearing through a wall, I chuckled at the password

"Boom," I said to the gargoyle.

"Good evening Miss Granger I am glad you came"

"Professor McGonagall is everything alright" I was worried about what was going to come next

"I take it you have not been following the daily prophet"

'Some of the most dangers deathers imprisoned in Askaban Prison have escaped, it is thought that they are looking to kill the last two members of our beloved golden trio, the location of Hermione Granger is still unknown but how long will it stay that way I read

"Hermione come with me I can help keep you safe"

"No you can't even this for me" I shouted

"If you won't come with me now I will have to force you" I backed up towards the door before pulling it open and running. I had the advantage of being younger, fiter and in looser clothes than Minerva so I easily outran her. As soon as I got to Hogsmead I disapparated to Forks.

As soon as my feet landed I doubled over and started gaging uncontrol, "Hermione my god what happened"

When I finally stopped I was out of breath "I... no... can... no... happening" I mumbled

"Hey hey hey, look at me, breath in, out" Alice's bell-like voice called out to me "what's wrong"

"It's oh god" I was a complete wreck, Alice brought me in to a hug, I clung on to her as if my life demanded on it.

I twiched as I hurd the snapping of twigs "your safe it's just Jasper" I felt a sea of calm wash over me, "Hermione what's going on"

"They have escaped" was all I could say before I burst into tears again

Healing with the moonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora