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Shand steered his head towards his next target. The king of this empire, he was going to be the next person to die. Once this peace loving king was dead the kingdom was bound to fall in his hands.

"Brother king, watch out!!!" A familiar voice shouted at king Albdur.

This voice......

"Too late!" Shand was already five steps away from the spot where king Albdur was standing. The king felt his body freeze when he felt the overwhelming aura of a killer speeding towards himself.


Another figure came in between stopping the attempted assault in time. A sharp blade blocked Shand's sword, throwing it back by force.
Shand narrowed his eyes at the intruder. His lips formed a pleasant smirk.
"Not bad. You guys came in a pretty good time." He said to the enemy.

An additional army was added in the battlefield. The black knights along with the other soldiers marched forward. The moment they entered they began fighting. Members of the black knights flaunted their strengths without reserve, exerting all their power in each and every strike they made while crushing their enemies. They broke the swords of the opponent soldiers, crushing their skulls with bare hands they let hell loose in the battlefield.

Shand flashed a glint of interest towards the black knight members crushing his army. His eyes wandered searching for someone but that person wasn't here. He let loose the oppressed royal halo in him. "Your timing is so right. And so is ours."

From the other side of the battleground another group of soldiers were emerging from the edge. They unsheathed their weapons as all of them dashed towards their enemy, aiming for victory to lean on their side. Behind them were various other magical beasts joining the fight.
Adu and his twin sister were amongst those charging forward.

"We will take care of those magical beasts." He spoke to the other soldiers. As soon as he sprinted away the other members of the Black knights followed suit.

Satatra glanced at the battle unfolding just once. He then readjusted his eyes onto his enemy. Raising his blade at him he jumped forward.
Shand followed suit. He slashed his blade to meet his foe head on head.
Two forces holding equivalent power clashed against each other causing a loud explosion. When the two blades met both the instigators neither flinched nor hesitated before making their second move. Another loud eruption occured causing the ground to tremble a bit. Yet the yellow and blue halos clashing against each other intensified and each time they collided an abrupt hollow dent appeared on the ground. The soil around their feet began to crumble under the tension pressed on it.


A small cut formed on Shand's face, the fresh wound bleeding out red blood. He touched his face, feeling the texture of his blood bleeding out.
On the other side, Satatra had a similar wound on his chest, the injury bleeding profoundly.
Both of them didn't even blink before resuming their fight. Satatra twisted his palm, enforcing his halo into it. With his sword in his right hand he launched the aura ball packed with his halo using his left hand, sending it through a fist. The punch crashed against a skin wall. The momentum of his fist scrunched up the skin around Shand's face. With an evil smirk he made sure to send a kick aimed at Satatra's abdomen before his body flew backwards.
Two bodies diverged away from the centre spot, their bodies flying backwards. Both of them killed the momentum of their attacks. Satatra lunged forward, suppressing the pain caused by his broken ribs. Shand on the other hand was barely hurt. That punch did hurt a bit but......
It was not enough.
Surely he did not expected the next punch landing on his face to hurt a lot.

Cough. Cough.

He looked at Satatra intentfully. A mouthful of blood was gushing out from his mouth. "Fuck! I underestimated you a bit." He checked his body.

Tsk....tsk. This body cannot hold this much of my power output....its breaking down bit by bit.

Shand had to see through the end of his plans. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, calming the nerves in his body, cramping down every muscle inside him, straining pressure on it, he moulded his body equivalent to his power output. The moment he flashed his eyes open he sprinted towards his enemy once more.


Satatra widened his eyes. His right arm was stabbed by his enemy's blade, the blade penetrating him slashed outwardly, inflicting a deep wound on his arm. He frowned but nevertheless he made his own move. Manipulating his halo he let the magic explode. The blue royal halo transformed into a spear, it thrusted forward towards the enemy's neck. The attack grazed past Shand's nape before he neutralized the attack using his halo. At the same time he jumped away from Satatra.

He stared at his hands trembling quite a bit. He then looked at the injured form of the man who was the fated ruler of this world. Shand let out a devilish smile staring at the injuries he gave him.
"Let me tell you one thing." He spoke with an eerie smile.

Satatra scoffed at his words. He binded his wound with his halo, treating it from the inside. Although it couldn't perfectly heal it as long as he could move it without pain it was enough.

Prince Alfru was by his brother king's side. They had no time to spare as both of them got into the fight the very next moment they were beside each other.

"This world was made to become yours, Satatra." Shand still had this eerie provocative smile on his face. He gazed towards his enemy, his eyes flashing with predatory glares that were sticking out like thorns from his eyes.

Something dark covered the entire ground of the battlefield.


Everyone stopped fighting for a moment. All the people present in the battlefield took a second to look at the thing that had covered the sky with its majestic length.

"Oh my god!"

"What is that!"

Underneath the shadow his amber eyes were burning with an ominous aura. His lips moved to say.
"But I will take this world from you and destroy it with all my might."
I will be the villain, but will you really be the hero?

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