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"Where is he? Where is he?"

A voice boomed in the enclosed chamber which was donned with beautiful yellow silk curtains and a king size bed in the middle with a golden sheet on it. The layout of the chamber was very exquisite and extravagant. Decorated by beautiful vases with blooming flowers as its abode, the chamber was simply filled with the fragrance of flowers. But his blue eyes paid no attention to them as he swept the length and breadth of the chamber, darting his eyes looking for a certain someone.

Yes. He was looking for someone. He was looking for the person who had attempted to run away from him for more than thirty times ever since he had brought him back with him three days ago. The person who made his heart beat like crazy just with a glance of his back. His smell, his presence, it was all too intoxicating for his heart which had fallen the moment his eyes had laid sight on him.

Knitting his green eyebrows he stormed into the adjacent room attached to the very same chamber. But after some seconds he came out empty handed with an expression extremely ugly, laden with anger but also with a bit with worry. Right when he moved his lips to call for his trusted aids his ears picked up the sound of a small grunt. He immediately narrowed his gaze towards a certain direction and walked over to it. Bending down his six feet height all the anger in his eyes melted away when his gaze fell on his love, who was soundly asleep.
He stretched his arms and carefully picked him up from under the bed.

"How foolish of me." He chuckled smooching his milky white cheeks tenderly. "I should have looked at this place first. And yet i actually forgot about it completely."

He laid him on the bed and slump down beside him, his palm on his cheekbone as he carefully stared at the beauty by his side. Beautiful short brown hairs with a greenish touch. Deer like honey brown eyes. A skin so milky white and soft. Slender shoulders and arms. A thin waist. And slender legs. Everything about him was just bewitching.
The appearance of this person was really beyond being human. He looked out of this world but at the same time this frail looking unearthly beauty was infact a rose enclosed with thorns. Sharp and thorny thorns. His beauty was gifted with insight, sharp and accurate. Not only that. The moment he found him sleeping under the bed yesterday night he had realised that this person, his love was someone with history, a person who had gone through a lot.
While his mind began wondering about these things the person by his side fluttered his eyelashes. His eyebrows frowned when he felt an unfamiliar yet familiar presence near him. Beautiful honey brown eyes flung open and was greeted by the sight of a prince wolf, yes, a prince wolf who was staring at him with lust, his blue eyes glistening as if he was getting ready to eat a certain someone up. His green hair flowed down to his shoulder and his hips in all its lenght with grace.

Silence followed as the two stared at each other without looking away.

The prince began stretching his hands towards him in an attempt to touch his soft cheeks. But the latter inclined away from his approach. The youth looked away from him.

"Don't" he spoke as he grabbed him by his chin. "Look away from me." Turning his face around he stared into his deer like eyes. Calm and stern. The prince loved the look in his eyes very much.

"If you don't want me to look away do not touch me!" The younger boy spat back at him, frowning his eyebrows a bit.

Prince Satatra had long ago predicted his response. He immediately retracted his hand while keeping the eye contact with him very still. "There." He chuckled. "I will not touch you. So do not look away. Aaron."

Aaron flashed his eyes wide in surprise. The man who had actually tried to bring him onto his bed had actually retracted his claws first? The man who had tried to make him his woman was actually willing to back away? Maybe he could not believe it so he kept staring at his eyes as if trying to figure out whether he was lying or not. Prince Satatra laughed at his reaction.

"Do not worry. This prince is speaking the truth. I will not touch you." He said fixating his gaze on his lips. "Although i want to push you down and make a mess out of you i will not touch you. Not until you welcome me with your open arms."

"Hmph." Aaron huffed. "Aren't you over confident! How do you even know i will ever welcome a wolf like you?"

"You will." He replied definitely.

"No. I wo.."

"YOU WILL." His words were intrupted by his commanding speech.

He glared at the wolf prince before him. While the latter stared at him with desire.

"And for that to happen." Prince satatra sighed inwardly. "I shall work very hard to earn his love back."

After all what he wanted was not just his body but his soul, his character, his love, his happiness, his pleasure and everything. It was a bit selfish of him but he wanted Aaron as a whole to himself.
But once he became his, all his efforts would be in no vain. Once he became his all his hard work would be worth his restrain. As long as he have him to himself he was willing to do anything to earn his love. These thoughts rang in his mind as he never tore his gaze away from the man he wanted. Aaron stared back at him as well, as if asserting that he will never fall in love with him.

Little did they both knew that they were destined to be together forever, born in the world only to become each other's;A slave to their love.

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Where stories live. Discover now