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Hitomu awoke at the touch of somebody caressing his cheek. When he opened his eyes the first thing that greeted him in the morning was the magnificent, handsome and attractive face of Zarad, the prince was looking at him with heart eyes. A smile made its way on Hitomu's face as he whispered. "Good morning."

Zarad stared at him, not speaking. He couldn't believe it. He still couldn't believe that the person he loved was lying by his side on the same bed as him. Infact they had been sleeping together for a few days already but it felt like a dream and everytime he woke up to find Hitomu by his side he couldn't help but stare at his sleeping beauty, his eyes closed, and his breathing as sweet as honey. He was so lovely. Zarad picked up a strand of Hitomu's hair in his hand and kissed them. "Good morning, love."

"........" Thump. Thump. The other person stared at him wide eyed. A chuckle left his lips.
"You should stop making that face unless you want me to die of heart attack."

Zarad got on top of him. In a very serious tone he asked. "You...don't like it?"

With a sweet smile. "Of course I love it or else why would I die of heart attack?" Hitomu knew this person has been researching on how things happen between two men. Infact he had already seen all the embarrassing stuff Zarad had kept hidden in this room....books with explicit illustrations...romance books and what not. He had seen it all there was to see. But he pretended as if he had not caught him red handed. Encircling his hands around Zarad's neck he pulled him closer.
Hitomu kissed him on the forehead and hummed. "If you keep looking at me like that....I might not be able to control myself."

Zarad could feel his heart beating crazy. He stared down at Hitomu's beautiful smile. One day, this man was going to be the end of him. He thought to himself. He leant over and kissed him on the lips. It was a light peck. Then he proceeded to kiss his neck. His lover trembled at his kisses. They had been doing these things for a few days already but they hadn't went all the way. Infact Zarad wanted to go all the way but because of circumstances they hadn't had the time to.

Like for instance....

*Knock. Knock.*

This was one such example.

Zarad paused feeling a bit irritated. All these disturbances have been the problem.
"Who is it?"

"Master. It's me." The person knocking was Khiluya. Well.,..most of the time it was always him who causing the disturbance.

"What is it this time?" The annoyance in Zarad's voice was noticeable.

"Master, there are guests waiting for Hitomu. One of them is called Lydith."
Came Khiluya's obedient reply. Judging from the tone of his master's voice he was vaguely aware that he had come at the wrong time. Every member of the Black knight was now aware of the relationship between the two as their Master did not even bother to hide it. All of them liked Hitomu so they had no complains regarding their relationship. It was Master's life. He could love whoever he wants to. His happiness was all that mattered.

When Hitomu heard who the guests were he felt a little excited. It has been a long time since he last saw those three brats. Zarad noticed the joy in his eyes. He got up from the bed then carried him to the bathroom to fresh up. When they got dressed Hitomu kept glancing at him. This person got jealous really easily. Was he eating vinegar again? But after intently studying Zarad's face he found no traces of dissatisfaction. The other person also noticed him.
"Your happiness matters a lot to me." Zarad spoke as he did Hitomu's hair. After tying the pony tail for him he hugged him from behind. "You are already mine so why should I get jealous?"

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