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The silhouette of a lean figure, not so tall but not so short, just with a thin build, as like that of a teenager's, climbed inside a golden wagon. The wagon had the symbol of the sun crest. Meaning it was sent from the imperial palace. While he seated himself down comfortably a few other elders flocked the door of the wagon flooding him with worries.

"Do not worry too much. Lady Miko will be there too. Just in case any ill will fall upon you or those trouble makers she will intervent and keep you all safe.

A middle aged man assured him patting his shoulders.

"Right. Grandma Miko is there. So it will be alright."

Another youthful woman murmured as she played with her fingers nervously. She was clearly very much worried for his colleague who had been summoned by the imperial palace on short notice in account of a really disturbing incident.

"Or maybe one of us should go with him." Another middle aged man sighed. "We cannot let a youngster go alone. One of us should really go with you, Hitomu. He is still too young to handle these kind of nerve wrecking summons."

Hitomu sighed at the sight of their fallen expressions ladden with a lot of worry. But it was for the best if he went alone. If they were to accompany they would honestly be a burden to him because he knew that the way out of that trouble won't be pleasant.

"There is no need for that, Elder Rofer, Elder Lon and Sister Lim. I will be okay. Besides those brats are somehow my responsibility. As their master i should rightfully be the one to attend them when they are in trouble."

Although he assured them with these words they were not convinced very much. How could they trust the words of a youth who was barely twenty. Although they believed Hitomu was quite clever and witty, and had millions of ways with his words and intelligence he was still young. Besides an imperial summon was enough to shake up the entire village causing the villagers to shiver in fear. Not even once, other than Lady Miko had ever been summoned by the imperial palace before. Furthermore those unruly brats had added fuel to the fire by committing an outrageous offence before the capital's public eyes. What heroes! They had clearly threathened the image of the royals in public and those royals will not stay put and will surely punish them heavily. Regardless they could not stop the wagon from departing for the capital. As they watched it disappear from their sight the weights of rocks on their backs broke down even heavier upon them.
They could only pray not for the worst. Even bad was okay at this point.

While Hitomu sighed inwardly as he rubbed his temple lightly thinking about the reason for his summon.

"Those brats!" He thought.

A few hours ago...........

"Hitomu. Hitomu! There is a terrible news from the palace..!"

Sister Lim stomped into the children's classroom. Without waiting for him to response she continued.

"There was some trouble at the Festive Knight Exam. Apparantely Lydith, Marthx, Lanse and their group got into a fight with some noble knights and they had beaten them up pretty badly. And one of the person amongst the noble knights was actually the son of the imperial general. Lydith had beaten him up pretty bad. So they are being detttained by the imperial guards at the moment."

"What?" Hitomu sprang up at once. He had a very shocked expression on his face. "Sister Lim may i ask how do you know about it."

She pointed outside the door. "The knight who usually deliver letters to grandma Miko is outside. He is here on an imperial order to assist the martial teacher of the boys back to the palace with him."

This words made Hitomu frown a bit. That sounded a bit troublesome. Regardless he still went out to talk to grandma Miko's messenger knight.

"What will happen to the boys?" As soon as he approached him these were his first words.

"That i do not know. They are currently being whipped as they refused to tell the name of their master. But i was told to bring the person who had taught them back with me." He replied immediately despite being a bit startled by his demanding tone.

Hitomu glared at him. Whipped? Wasn't that too shameless of them! He paused for a bit. "Is that so? Then let's back right away. The time right now is too precious to waste."

The knight looked at him with a look of confusion and doubt.

Hitomu did not spar him a glance and just proceeded to walk ahead. When he realized that the person was frozen at the same spot he raised his eyebrow at him.

"I said lead the way back. What are you doing standing there staring like an idiot."

The latter was clearly taken aback by his words. He somehow felt that this youth was really too shameless to actually address someone older than him as an idiot. Although humiliated he was not one to retort so he immediately followed. How could he know that the boy before him was actually the vessel of a veteran who had lived about years longer than him. And also that the boy was in a very bad mood after hearing about the whipping of his students.

Hitomu sighed again. He adjusted his posture as he sat calmly inside the wagon.

"To think that.." he thought. "To actually think that one of the future prospectives of best knights of Razia empire would actually be defeated by Lydith..."

He knew it could only mean one thing, either that person was actually not that strong or that Lydith had actually been training very hard to achieve such a fit. Also the boys being detttained meant that Grandma Miko was likely away to some far away place. If she were there they would have already been saved by her.
Regardless he knew those unruly brats were not the kind to pick fights without a good reason enough to stir them up badly. Specially Lydith. He was a quite boy with a mild temperament. To actually piss him off, what exactly had the general's son done to him?
Also he had almost forgotten the importance of the Festive Knight Exam in the plot of the story. But he also did not think that his students would somehow entangle themselves in such a hot mess.

And while he was on his way to a plot deviating event a certain someone was also being troubled by a certain annoying person who actually had the guts to break in during his seclusion.

"Did you know?" He said with a playful grin on his face. "That your younger brother had gotten himself a lover. A very enchanting male lover. Hmm?"

He spoke to him, who was facing his back, ignoring his presence as if he were invisible.

"Also." Revard added. "Something happened during the exam selection. The general's son, he pffftttt....he got beaten by a lowly commoner while trying to hit on him."

The back of the person before him shifted his body slightly. His piercing blue eyes gazed at him with irritation but they held no hostility towards the intruder who had dared to brag into his palace, disrupting his cultivation.

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang