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"Why are you glaring at me? You know doing that is useless. It may have worked on someone else but me...tsk..tsk. it won't." Revard clicked his tongue at his childhood acquaintance who was turning around to face him giving him his cold glare which meant only one thing. 'Shutup.'


There was no reply. He knew that this complicated prince before him rarely used his tongue on useless conversations. But his intruder was quite an M as he did not seem to mind his stone wall even a bit.

"What?" He raised his eyebrow at him. "Are you really not curious even a bit about your brother's lover?" Upon not receiving a reply he continued. "I mean, he is the crown prince. And if the halo of the empire were to fall in love with a man wouldn't that pose a great problem in pro..."

"Why should i care about his personal life? Whether he gets himself a man or a dog as a lover is up to him." This time he replied because he knew that mouth of his wouldn't shut up until he responded him. So he gave him what he wanted. In this entire world only Revard was persistent enough to force him to speak. Although he would get really scared whenever he angered the shit out of the eccentric prince, he was quite cozy with him for most of the time, which he took for granted as his childhood friend.

He sighed in silence. Today was the only time around the entire year when he would leave his palace. Despite many courtesan booming in rage outside his palace gates he never spare them even a glance. But when the festive knight came around he would readily leave to attend it, never missing it every year.

"Zarad!" He called following him inside. "Hurry and get ready. We should leave right away unless we miss out something interesting."

"Interesting?" He spoke lowly taking out a clean white robe out of his huge closet. The first prince disliked being dressed by maids. This was another fact known to the palace dwellers. He rarely let the servants attend him privately.

"Yes. Hale was beaten pretty badly. I mean his injuries were no joke. Five broken ribs. Five dislocated joints. And a few broken fingers with bruises over all over his body. What's even more surprising is that the culprit is someone a year younger than him. Also two of his companions were  quite strong. Assisted the noble participants on their way to  physicians. Ironically when asked they refused to say their master's name. To the point they had to be severely whipped."

"Whipped?" Zarad laughed. "I thought they were at the fault."

"Yes. They were. Groping in broad daylight he deserved it. But nobles you know... They can be really ignorant. Not that any parent would want their child to be beaten by some commoner." Revard shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Apparently a messenger was sent over the sunny village to summon this mysterious master."

"Its weird. If someone of that much potential, who was able to exercise control over people's cultivation in martial arts were to actually exist he should have been blown over by the villagers as some prodigy master." Putting on his white clothes they were having a serious yet calm conversation while dressing up.

"Exactly. And if that so called master were to response the summon with his presence, we might be meeting a dragon who was hiding inside a rabbit's burrow, unwilling to be found out."

Zarad stared at nothingness in silence as his blue eyes were focused on his belt, tying them into a knot. He was all done now. Ready to leave. So he turned around the doorway.

"Wait!" Revard exclaimed. "Your hair?" He pointed at his loose flowing blue hairs.

The latter gave him a menacing glare. And then he remembered.

" bad." He face palmed himself. The first prince never tied up his hair ever since his mother had died. This was another fact known by the nation. The men of royals had a custom of tying their hair into a half ponytail as a symbol of their noble lineage. His action was merely a violation of the custom symbolizing the refusal of his identity as a prince. But in actual fact it was a token of refusal in accepting the king as his father. The first prince disliked the king. This almost all the palace courtesans knew. However the reason remained a mystery even to the crown prince and Revard.

Thus two shadow left the isolated palace of the first born prince who was in simple language, a rebellious adult.

___________ _ _ _ ___________

The front gate of the palace was crowded by a sea of people in anticipation of the person summoned.

"I wonder if they really had a commoner as a master. What if it is actually some renounced noble?"

"No way!  A commoner is not capable of such feats."

"But the fight was really amazing. They had the nobles pinned on the edges of their heels."

"Yes. I saw it too. The yellow haired girl was really swift and strong with her arms and legs."

"Idiot that was not a girl but a guy. But yeah he was beautiful."

"Their master is bound to be amazing right?"

"Right? They even refused to speak out his name!"

"Right! He is bound to exceptionally be a feast to our imagination."

With the sight of the imperial wagon appearing at the view of their eyes the crowd got even more excited. With each leap the horses made towards the grand palace gate their eyes lit up brighter in anticipation. Then the moment finally came. The summoned master was finally making his grand appearance in front of the hyped crowd.
A pair of slender legs stepped down from the wagon. His slender and slim build slipped out the doors revealing a figure not so short but also not very tall. There was nothing significant about the person before them except for one thing.

"Oh my!"

Everyone gasped.

"An impaired!"

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