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What a situation! Hitomu had a really bad feeling about this new devlopment. He stayed on the sideline watching the two stare at each other very intensely.
Zarad and Shand were busy observing each other. Like tigers ready to lunge at each other any moment.

Facing Hitomu Zarad scooted over to him taking off the blanket around him as he stepped over. Then he proceeded to wrap it around his frail shoulders, draping it neatly and affectionately.

"Its cold. Wear this." He said.

Hitomu was lost for words. He had a rather blank face for a moment but it passed by within the blink of an eye.

While the person on the other side had a stupefied expression too. His whole face then changed to that of complete shock and anger, not like that of a burning volcano but a calm tsunami.

"Hah! You dare to be intimate in such a situation? Very well." Shand gave him a malicious smile.
While infact he was gritting his teeth in silence. Very well. Never did he ever thought that the villain of this world was actually pining for this child of that traitor Diego.

The two of them turned their heads to face him.
Hitomu gave him a cold look. It was just this guy who was being intimate. Not him.
While Zarad on the other hand glared at the crown prince before him. He did not like how this guy was paying attention to HIS man. And as if to assert his one sided relationship with Hitomu he actually draped both his arms around Hitomu's shoulders. Intimately.

Widening his eyes Hitomu's face scowled in discomfort. Right when he was about to throw the two spirited arms away from his body he felt an aura coming from the other side.

HOW DARE HE! Maybe he should just kill this little villain right now.

A blackened face with croocked eyes and twisted aura Shand let out his overpowering halo. The moment these words left his lips he had already launched an attack towards those hands resting on Hitomu's shoulders. With an intent to chop them off.
Zarad took notice of it and unleashed his royal halo aura to have a direct face off with this intruder who was showing interest in Hitomu more than to his liking.


An offensive explosion resulted as the two royal halos clashed with each other, struggling to overpower the opposite side, giving off sparks of blue and yellow. Small debris on the ground began to tremble ferociously before they were tossed up by the momentum of the two clashing forces. The ground began to from cracks until it eventually began to break away, shattered utterly.
The three figures jumped away to escape being caught in it.

"Beautiful!" Hitomu couldn't help but think to  himself. The clash between two royal halos, a blinding force that was blessed upon the royal characters of this world was an art piece in his eyes. An art piece that was worth his time to go against given that the emperor reaper was blessed with this advantage even in this world. While he had a normal body he did not believe he couldn't go against this gifted defiance. While thinking so a crazy smirk found its way up to his lips.
Zarad noticed this right away when he felt a condensing chilling feeling coming from him.

"What's with that crazy look?" He bent over and whispered into the shorter boy's ears. Surprisingly Hitomu did not even notice him approach. So when he turned over to face Zarad his face was right near Hitomu's within a very close proximity. So close that with just a single advance their faces would literally touch each others.
Both of them widened their eyes not expecting this surprise.

"Hah! The nerve of you two." Came an incoming voice. Shand appeared right in front of them with his leg rising in the air. In a split of second he shoved his leg towards them draped with a tremendous momentum. The power of his kick fell on Zarad's skin. Acting extremely agile he dodged it right on time while making sure to grab Hitomu.
Jumping back a few yards Zarad stared at the shattered ground with wide eyes.
The ground where the kick had landed had crumbled like lumps of sandbags. And the area surrounding the ground was destroyed.

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