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"Attack! Don't let him slip inside any further!"

"Surround him!"

"Somebody inform the masters!"



There was a pool of blood on the floor as every man standing on his way was slayed mercilessly by him.

Through the system operator, all of the masters who were present in the guild were terrified of the trouble that had walked in kicking down the guild's door.

It was the emperor reaper. The weapon which they had raised and sharpened carefully with utmost decency was now pointing its blade against them. Knowing how crazily strong the reaper was, they feared the guild might be done for.

"He has come for them." A very tall man stated, frowning, looking at the screen.
"Its a good thing we sent him away on a mission." Said the man with a big white mark on his face.

At his latter words the guild masters didn't knew wheter to be relieved or troubled by Anwyll's absence. If the boy were to be here he could help them deal with the reaper but if he was here, the guild might also be destroyed by the battle between father and son, though both have never met each other nor did the boy knew the reaper to be his father.

One of them left to tell that man about the reaper's arrival. While others left for the battle.

The guild masters thought by ganging up on the intruder they would stand some chance.

However they were wrong.

One by one, each of them were beaten to death. The strength his years of rage held was pummeling them, mincing them to a pile of useless dead bodies one after another.


When his arms were ripped apart from his body, the master let out a painful scream.

"Where is he? Tell me!" Whispered the reaper. His low voice contradicted with the bloody look on his face. Half of his cheeks were covered in blood of his victims. His eyes were shinning like a predator's. The calm storm in those eyes was kept at bay yet he did not hesitate to end the master's life when he didn't receive an answer.

He then tossed the body aside.

"If you want to see him then get rid of the state you are in right now." It was the same man with a white mark on his face.
He frowned when the crazed eyes of the reaper slanted towards him.

"Victor." The reaper spoke in a monotone voice. Yet the gaze was filled with a very vigorous intent to kill.
His body moved sideways turning to face victor properly.

"Calm yourself first. Then I will take you to him." Victor was sweating lightly. The intimidating aura of the reaper was ganging up on him as he was the only man who stood alive at the moment.

"I don't want to. Why should I even?" Replied the reaper as he took a step forward. Then another.


His bared fingers clawing at victor missed the latter's nape just by an inch. However the punch hit victor hard on his stomach.
With just one land the internal organs around the stomach were left in a devastating condition.

Victor striked back at the reaper.

"Before taking me to him, tell me where that wretched son of mine is. If I am going to pay a visit to my Diego, my dear Delio, then shouldn't I bring him a special gift? What else other than the head of the son he had risked for, would be more special than anything elses?" The reaper smirked, his lips covered in fresh blood lifting up like the devil's.

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