~ chapter 18 ☁️

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Later that day, I'm in my living room, unable to sit still for the life of me. It's nearly 6pm, the time Mason texted saying he'd pick me up. Piper and Asha had just left recently after a lot of girl talk and trying on of clothes. There was a lot of going back and fourth between us about whether or not this was a date. Ultimately they had told me not to see it as one since he didn't technically ask me out. Although they also told me to look out for any signs during our 'hangout' as they said they wouldn't be surprised if he did end up flirting with me.

You see, Piper and Asha are convinced he likes me and that it's only a matter of days until he probably either ends up confessing or asking me out. And I trust their opinions, especially since I have practically no boy experience of my own. Not only that but they know everything, throughout the time Mason and I have known each other, every time he has said or done something to make me feel special, I have told them instantly. So they're aware of all the little things he's been saying that hint towards a possible crush on me- for example the way he sometimes compliments me in the most unexpected, little, random ways.

Piper thinks he's just shy and that maybe he needs some time, and honestly, sometimes I find myself thinking the same thing. But then again, I also find myself more often than not wondering if the whole thing is just in my head and if I'm misinterpreting all these so called 'signals' even if my best friends are convinced otherwise.

Either way, one thing I know for sure is that the anticipation of tonight is killing me. Mason should be on his way now and I don't know if I want him to get here as fast as he can so I can get this over with or for him to take his time so I can put this off for as long as possible.

I'm wearing some casual but cute clothes, some denim white washed jeans and a red and white ringer tee. I didn't want to overdo it but didn't exactly want to go over there in my sweats either.

I'm taking what feels like the hundredth final look in the mirror when my phones buzzes in my pocket. Taking it out, I see that it Mason's texting saying he's here.

Taking a breath to calm my nerves, I head over to collect my bag and keys. Making sure I lock up properly, I do a quick run through in my head of all the things I needed to do before I left the house. I had already asked my mum about tonight and she was fine it, seeing as it was going to be another late night for her. She still wanted me to text her again when I was leaving though for some reason. So as I'm locking my front door and putting my keys away, I quickly make sure to do that to spare myself a potential lecture from her later on.

When I finally turn around and spot Mason's familiar blue car in front of my house, I'm not surprised to see he's already out and waiting at the side of it for me. He always insists on opening my door for me whenever I ride in his car, and I have to say I quite like it. It's one of the more gentlemanly things about him and I wouldn't really expect a boy my age to be so sweet like that.

He grins when he spots me, and my breath catches in my throat when I see his gaze subtly travel down the length of my body.

'Hey, you look nice tonight.' He compliments with a warm smile, watching as I exit my front garden to join him on the sidewalk.

'Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself.' I laugh, teasingly pretending to drink in his outfit too.

And fine did he look as well. He was dressed casually just like me with black jeans and a beige pullover but he pulled it off so well. I guess when you're just that beautiful, even the simplest of clothes look stunning on you. And to say I'm jealous of such a thing is understatement of the year.

I thank him quietly when he opens the passenger side's door for me. And in the few seconds of silence in which I am alone as he walks to his side of the car, I try my hardest to calm my erratic heartbeat. At this point, I'm scared it's so loud, he might even hear it. It's not a date, Willow, calm down- I try and reassure myself but at the same time the wondering of what's to come tonight is almost driving me mad.

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