~ chapter 11 ☁️

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I almost think I may feel numb from the previous moment when Eli eventually pulls me out of my house. But it takes less then a second for that thought to fly out of the window when Alexander's tall figure comes into view.

All my thoughts that were less than a minute ago so intensely focused on Ciara and Eli now become all about the boy standing just a few feet away from me.

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't trembling by now.

After reaching the car Haider and Alexander stand leaning against, Eli immediately releases me so I now stand directly in front of the two. I don't dare try and meet Alexander's gaze, instead choosing to meet Haider's who flashes me a warm smile. Almost instantly I find myself unconsciously stepping just a bit closer to him and if anyone does notice, no one says anything.

I'm relieved to see a friendly face right now in a situation in which I'm basically being cornered by two of the school's biggest troublemakers. I mean not that Haider is the most friendliest person, you can't really be, not to be able hang out with the other two.

If anything, he's definitely considered to be apart of that group too, and together they all make up our school's 'badboy group.' You know how every school seems to have one, well they're ours.

Haider doesn't get into as much fights compared to Eli and he's definitely a lot more approachable compared to Alexander. Not only is he the captain of the football team but he's also the class clown type, the kind you can always rely on to make everyone in class laugh with his occasional witty and cheeky remarks towards the teacher. He's also a major player and has slept with more girls than I can count, not that I'm surprised with his smooth personality and attractive face.

But more importantly for my situation right now, he's not violent unless you bother him first. He's also the type to get incredibly scary when he is mad but that isn't all that often anyway though to be honest.

Either way, I don't mind him since he pretty much leaves me alone in school. We were chemistry partners last year and whilst I wouldn't go as far as to label us friends, we will say hi and acknowledge the other if we happen to pass each other in the halls.

'Geez, Eli, what'd you say to the poor girl? She looks terrified.' Haider remarks in awe, curious eyes drinking in the look of pure fear on my face as he tilts his head at me in confusion.

'Just the truth.' the dark haired boy offers in return, shrugging carelessly as he jumps up onto the red car's bonnet.

Making himself comfortable on the car, my eyes jump towards his for a second as he now rests on his side watching us, head resting in his open palm and an elbow holding up his weight. Although his figure still seems somewhat tense, his eyes have considerably lightened up and his words seem casual
and I'm hoping that means he's forgotten what just happened in my room.

'Which is?' Haider enquires in intrigue.

'That she's probably going to go to bed tonight with at least a sprained arm.'

I can tell he's kidding, I know he's joking, the fact that he begins staring at my face intently just to gauge my reaction makes it all the more obvious. But I can't deny that his words don't manage to put me even more on edge than I already am.

'Oh, please. You wouldn't do that, would you, Alex?' Haider presses the silent, taller boy standing next to him in a kind effort to reassure me.

It's when Alexander (who I still haven't looked at but whose presence to my left I am hyperactively aware of) remains silent that the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I find myself beginning to takes discreet, nervous glances at my front door, pondering the chances of somehow actually managing to get away. But I'm soon interrupted by an eerily calm voice catching me in the act.

'Now, now, willy- you and I both know that'd be a very stupid thing to try.'

My panicked gaze flickers over to Eli who is staring at me with an evil grin on his face as he shakes his head in mock disappointment. And though his tone warns me he's being serious and not to test him, the clear amusement in his eyes is practically daring me to just try and run to see what happens.

I'm so caught off guard by his threat and so overwhelmed by the current situation that I hadn't even noticed that he had used that god awful nickname again, but of course, someone else had.

'C'mon now, at least, put some respect on my girl's name, man.' Haider howls with loud and boisterous laughter and I watch in unimpressed disdain at how he continues to laugh so much he nearly falls over.


I instantly freeze at the unexpected and unfamiliar voice that rings out in my now silent front yard.

Despite Alexander having spoken in a low tone,
all of us quieten down with even Haider stopping to wipe a non existent tear before he settles down. A tense silence follows, the kind where it's so ominously quiet you could probably hear a pin drop right now.


I swallow nervously, my hands in tense fists at my side as I finally gather up enough courage to meet Alexander's harsh gaze, not missing the little nod of satisfaction he does when we finally hold eye contact.

I don't know if it's the fact that this is the first time I am seeing him after the little incident on Thursday, but I swear he seems to tower over me more than he usually does. Or maybe it's probably because I feel like I'm shrinking under his intense stare, but whatever the reason, he's definitely going a good job at making me feel small.

'I want you to tell me what you saw on Thursday after school.'

Having been building up to this moment in my head and pondering ever since all the possible things he may say when he would eventually get me, I can confidently say this is not one of the things I had expected him to ask. I mean I had expected something more along the lines of a threat and maybe a little more swearing but definitely not Alexander Scott calmly asking me what I had seen that day. I am taken aback to say the least and this is evident by my baffled reaction when I just continue staring at him in bewilderment after his question.

'W-what?' I stutter anxiously, confused and not not quite believing my ears.

'Tell me what you saw.' He reinstates seriously.

Honestly in this current moment of time, I almost think I'd prefer him to get straight to the point and try his best to intimidate me instead of playing this weird game. At least then I would kind of know what to expect and how to prepare myself. I just can't understand why he is he asking me to go over Thursday when he clearly knows what happened? I must be missing something.


'Now.' He growls and despite him not having spoken that much louder, I still can't help but jump from the small but sudden increase in the volume of his voice as he narrows his eyes at me.

'I-I saw you and a b-boy k-kissing.' I squeak in utter fear, his impatient tone sparking me to say the first thing that comes into my head.

Instantly my cheek redden at my shy confession almost as if I had been the one caught getting it on. And I have never wanted the ground to swallow me up whole more than I do right now, and that coming from a girl as clumsy and socially awkward as me, well that's saying something.

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