~ chapter 44 ☁️

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'-And the part where her and Alexa did that powermove on what's his face. Oh my god, it was such a badass move! I swear I fell in love with her all over again.'

I end my long rant with a sigh of content, finally leaning back and feeling like I've gotten out everything I needed to say after initially watching the movie. Ever since Eli and I had gotten out of the theatre, I hadn't been able to stop gushing about how much I had loved the screening. My inner fan girl has been on overactive mode since we got into the car with me pointing out each and every single scene of the movie I had particularly loved on the journey home.

It's only now, after we've been driving for quite some time and I am confident that we should be near my house soon that my initial excitement is finally starting to die down a little. I honestly can't wait to go home and go through it with the girls, it was that good of a movie. I still can't get over the fact that they somehow managed to outdo the all the same still stellar first movie with this new sequel.

'You done yet?'

I snap out of my thoughts and look over just in time to catch Eli sending me an amused half smirk, shaking his head slightly to himself before redirecting his attention back to the road. I stop short in my daydreaming, blushing a hundred shades of pink once I process his teasing comment.

'Yes.' I mumble in a flustered manner as I fiddle with my fingers, caught entirely off guard by the sound of his voice having mostly been listening to myself go on and on for the last ten minutes or so.

I hear him laugh out loud from my side, presumably at my sudden shyness and the way I now avoid his gaze after having been called out for my excessive rambling.

Despite his joking remark though and to be fair to Eli, he hadn't once tried to stop me from the moment I had opened my mouth to begin my long winded commentating on the movie- surprising, I know. In fact, at first he had even been actively conversing with me back, making little comments here and there whenever I would say something. It was only in the last couple minutes that I could tell I had worn him out a little and that he wasn't really listening anymore. It had become something more along the lines of me talking to myself once he began absentmindedly nodding and humming in response to my excited comments like 'but like can you believe that though? It was too good, I swear.' Not that I minded though, when I'm excited about something, I can natter on about it for hours on end- regardless of whether someone is actually listening to me or not.

Honestly, looking back now, I'm actually quite impressed he hadn't even politely told me to clam down at least once. Knowing him, I would have half expected him to have told me to shut up at some point but atlas he hadn't. I know for a fact that had this been someone like Piper, she would have tried to divert the conversation elsewhere after the first five minutes.

'I think I might have got a little carried away.' I bashfully confess with a shrug, briefly catching his gaze to send him a sheepish smile.

'No, really? I hadn't noticed.' He says quietly with a raised brow, sarcastically snickering at my embarrassed words of acknowledgement.

Reaching over to playfully pull on a strand of my hair with his free hand, I let out a small huff at his action as I pout at him and lean further back out of his reach.

'It's fine though. I would have told you to shut it after a while if it was really annoying me.' He announces in a matter of fact manner. 'It was actually kind of... endearing in a way, if you will.'

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