~ chapter 23 ☁️

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'Piper, you really need to start doing your History homework.'

A few days later, it's Wednesday morning and Piper, Asha and I are all on our way to our only shared lesson together, (excluding pe that is) Biology.

Piper is currently trying to persuade Asha to let her copy her homework for their History lesson later because she hasn't done it yet. Considering this is a regular occurrence, usually Asha always lets her borrow it but recently she's been second guessing her decision. She's scared she's part of the reason Piper's grade in the class is so low and she's worried for her, especially considering they have an important exam coming up soon. So recently she's been trying not to be as lenient to her as to not 'enable' her- her words, by the way, not mine.

As a first hand regular observer to this mess however, I can tell you it never works. Somehow Piper always ends up magically convincing her and Asha always ends up coming around. It's quite amusing to watch though to say the least.

'I know and I will, but just for today, please? Mr Young is gonna kill me if I don't have it, especially considering he gave me 2 detentions last week.' Piper eagerly asks, trying to sway Asha by giving her her signature puppy dog eyes.

'And quite rightfully so. You do realise we have an exam in 2 weeks, Piper? 2 weeks!' Asha exclaims, sighing and shaking her head in frustration.

'I know, I know. And I promise you, I'm going to study really hard before hand, I swear.' Piper promises in a serious tone, holding up her hand in a mock pledge.

'Yeah, well I know why you always choose to badger me and never give up. It's because you know I'm a push over, don't you?' Asha teases, rolling her eyes at our friend and crossing her arms over her chest as we enter our Biology classroom and I can see she's close to her breaking point.

Piper seems to notice too as I see the small smile that graces her face before she leans in closer to Asha and sighs, and I can already tell she's going in for the kill shot.

'No it's because I know how kind you are my sweet, beautiful, caring, smart, funny, cool, did I mention beautiful? Loyal, nice, unique-'

'Okay, okay, pack it in. At this rate, I'll end up giving you my homework just to get you to shut up.' Asha laughs, brushing Piper off as she goes to sit in her seat but I can see the clear adoration and amusement in her eyes at the taller girl's antics.

I laugh at the both of them before turning away and walking to my own seat, greeting my seat-mate whose already there with a casual 'hello'. Unfortunately the girls and I don't sit anywhere near each other in this class. Mrs Kennedy has arranged us all in alphabetical order according to surname.

You know I never had an issue with my last name, in fact I always quite liked it when I was younger. That was until I got to middle school and it became the bane of my life and I suddenly found myself sitting at the front of the class in the majority of my lessons. Presently, high school's a bit better, it's pretty much hit or miss when it comes to that matter. Some teachers are fine with letting you sit wherever you want while some still insist on a classroom arrangement as if we're still 13, that more often than not is always based on last names.

Either way when the latter does happen, you can bet that as someone who usually prefers sitting at the middle/back of the class but has a surname of Allen- well, I always end up drawing the short straw.

That's what it's like in Biology. I sit right at the front and absolutely hate it. Not only due to the position but also my seat-mate, Isaac. He pretty much exclusively sees this class as a chance to catch up on his sleep and is just so overall lazy and unenthusiastic, he makes peer projects an absolute nightmare. 

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