~ chapter 50 ☁️

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'You don't need to be like that.' I protest with a frown as I try and keep my patience, not at all understanding why he's being so off with me.

Surely this can't be the same boy who was making me smile and laugh so much over the weekend. If he's going to act like this then I would almost genuinely just prefer we go back to how it was before, back when he would tease and taunt me for his own amusement and that was it. There was no nice Eli back then, I didn't have to face the uneasiness and confusion I do now about which side of Eli I'm going to have to face today. Things were just simpler back then and yes our interactions consistently more grim, but at least I knew what I would be in for each time his eyes would find mine from across the room.

'You should go, Willow.' He states coldly in a firm manner, steely eyes once again leaving mine as if to tell me the conversation is officially over.


'I mean it.' He repeats in a icy tone and I hate how he won't even let me speak anymore. 'No-one wants to have to sit here and watch you stutter out some sad, pathetic apology when you get caught by Newton.' 

His aggressively spoken words have me flinching back this time as I stare at him in disbelief, his now unyielding and cruel gaze making sure each word hits home. I'm sure my eyes display a look that one could only describe as pure defeatist as I dryly swallow and break our eye contact, his words having hurt me enough this time around for me to give up. Don't you dare let his words get to you, I tell myself as I look down at my shoes, don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you upset.

Eli knows, he knows how overly sensitive I am, how little it takes to get to me. He also knows me enough to know that I hate how naturally passive and emotional I can be, and yet still, he takes glee in using it against me time and time again. I honestly don't know why I thought his spiteful teasing would ease up even a little after Sunday. It's not like sharing some jokes over a bucket of popcorn would somehow manage to wipe away all of our toxic years of history and give him a personality transplant whilst doing so.

'For fuck's sake, man. Eli, just chill a little, bro.' Haider groans with a roll of his eyes, sounding sick and tired of his best friend as he shoots Eli a pointed look and me, one of sympathy as if to apologise for the boy sitting next to him.

I manage a wobbly smile in return, not at all daring to take a glance in Eli's direction who completely ignores Haider, dark eyes still not having moved away from my nervous figure for even a second.

'Seriously, Eli. Why do you have to act like a girl on her monthlies every single time you're ar-'

'Shut the hell up, Haider.' Eli suddenly hisses, not hesitating to violently shove the brown haired boy in an effort to get him to be quiet and consequently making me sigh in relief when Eli's attention is finally lifted off me.

I can't help but wince a little at the dribble of blood that erupts from Haider's wounds on his hand a moment later, courtesy of Eli's sharp jab to his arm. It seems I'm not the only one to notice the reopening of the cut when Haider himself looks down and does a double take at the now once again bloody knuckles he had previously been tying his best to clean.

'Oi, you clumsy bitch! Look what you've done.' Haider rages sourly, gritting his teeth at the sight before forcefully elbowing Eli in an act of vengeance.

The green eyed boy hisses softly in response to Haider's hit but shockingly for once doesn't bother to take it any further.

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