~ chapter 13 ☁️

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After menacingly threatening me in a voice as smooth as silk, he finally releases his firm hold on me before gently pushing me away and it's only then, I'm able to properly breathe again.

'So are you not going to ask me what last night was all about then?' he asks casually, raising an eyebrow at me.

I stare at him, gobsmacked at the bizarre nature of his question before I seem to finally find my tongue again.

'N-no?' I say in an unsure tone.

'Hmm. Interesting, and what is your opinion on a boy kissing another boy then?'

I'm like 99% sure now that he's just teasing me. That has to be it, right? I mean his tone has noticeably lightened up despite his ever stoic facial expression. Moreover the other two seemed to have lost interest in our conversation now that any potential for confrontation is over, instead Haider is now fiddling with his phone and Eli appears to be daydreaming, staring off into the distance.

'I-I don't really care. I think as long as you're not hurting yourself or a-anyone else, you should be free to do what you want.' I shrug, voicing my thoughts in a quiet and truthful manner as I carefully think through the right words to use for this situation.

I try to live by that lesson and sincerely stand by it, having always been open to most things since a young age. I guess I'm just one of those people who doesn't like the concept of judging others on anything other than their characters and them as a person.

'Really? Well you stand corrected because Alex is actually quite the kinky bastard in bed.'

I'm caught off guard by Eli's teasing words, looking over in surprise to see he still isn't looking in our direction but is now grinning smugly as if proud of his witty comment. My cheeks redden at his remark while I hear Haider let out a snort of laughter next to him, Alexander however seems less than impressed.

'I will literally come over there and shove my fist up your arse if you don't shut the fuck up, Eli.' he snarls loudly with dark eyes, making me jump in my spot from the sudden, serious change in his demeanour.

'Geez, I'm sorry. Continue then.' he mutters, rolling his eyes at Alexander as he holds his hands up in mock surrender and nods at me to carry on with what I was saying.

Alexander huffs in annoyance, sending him one final silent but deadly warning with his eyes before turning his attention back to me. And despite now no longer addressing Eli, he is still wearing that annoyed expression on his face. Except this time, he's facing me and I freeze, not knowing how Eli has the audacity to roll his eyes at someone whose stare could literally melt ice. My silence seems to provoke him even more as he accusingly furrows his eyebrows at my lack of a response. That sends my brain into overdrive and my lips open, although this time I don't seem to have any control over my own words as a long string of mindless rambling begins to exit my mouth.

'E-Erm, yeah. I think you're o-old enough to do what you want and explore your own sexuality. O-of course that's if that's what you're doing. And I don't blame you, your b-friend seemed quite attractive. I mean not that I'm trying to say he's cute or whatever. I mean, wait, no- he is cute but I'm not like trying to come on to him or a-anything. I'm just saying you'd make a cute c-couple. Not that you necessarily are! J-Just that you'd make a cute one. Yeah, that's what I mean, that you'd make a cute couple if you did c-choose to date-'

You know those moments when you can literally feel that every additional word is just one more dig into your grave? That's how I feel now, in fact that's how I felt right at the beginning of my little speech. So why did I even continue in the first place, you ask, because of Alexander Scott's murderous expression is why. It's only as my rambling slowly progresses and when the anger starts to leave his face in favour of confusion does the fog seem to lift over my brain and I realise I'm spewing word vomit.

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