~ chapter 48 ☁️

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It's the end of the day and Mason and the girls and I are currently gathered around Piper's locker. Piper is dropping Asha home as per usual while Mason has offered to drive me today, much to Piper's displeasure, may I add.

'I swear to god if Samira Wates even tries to talk to me again tomorrow, you guys are going to see me get carted off in a police car come the end of the day, no lie.'

Piper is presently getting some books out of her locker and Mason and I would have probably left the girls to it a couple minutes ago if it wasn't for Asha's hilarious rambling.

Apparently, in her last class of the day, the teacher had randomly decided to reseat them all out of nowhere. And Asha had just so happened to have found herself lumbered next to a guy whose girlfriend basically later warned her not to try anything. And Asha is fuming, so to say the least.

'Asha, please. Are we really still going on about her?' Comes Piper's pleading voice from behind the door of her locker as she scrambles around to find the right textbooks for her homework tonight.

It seems she's the only one whose not finding this funny, unlike Mason and I who are really struggling to hide the grins on our faces. It isn't helping that every now and then, Asha will say something especially amusing and the brown eyed boy and I will just so happen to catch each other's eyes resulting in us having to look away and bite our lips in an effort not to laugh out loud and further annoy an already quite irritated Asha.

'You didn't see the way she spoke to me, Piper.' Asha argues defensively, crossing her arms across her chest and scowling at the thought of Samira Wates. 'All butter wouldn't melt until she basically told me that if I want to keep my hands then I should stay away from her boyfriend.'

I honestly am not surprised at all by this news. Although I don't know the girl personally, I've heard and seen enough to have gauged by now that she's the type of girl to glare at another chick for even daring to so much as smile a friendly smile at her boyfriend.

'I mean for god's sake, does she not know I have my own bloody boyfriend? And even if I didn't, would I really go for someone like Liam Parkinson, have you seen him?'

I know Asha doesn't mean this in a mean way. While it's clear Liam Parkinson is no Liam Hemsworth, he's definitely not ugly. It's just some of his fashion choices are a bit... out there, to say the least. Imagine something along the lines of a boy with an overgrown mullet who likes to wear socks and sandals in the summer and well, that's Liam Parkinson. Though I have a feeling his bizarre sense of style is what's making Asha even more outraged than I would have expected, and thus me even more entertained right now so I can't really complain, can I?

'Woah, tiger. Calm down, okay.' I snort, not being able to resist the tiniest of giggles at Asha who still looks as flustered and insulted as she had the second she had run up to us about five minutes ago. 'I'm sure by now she's gotten it in her head that you're clearly not interested, okay. Don't take it personally, from what I've seen of her, she definitely seems like the type to go around warning other girls to stay away from her man as if she's dating Harry fricking Styles.'

'Yeah, don't sweat it, Asha.' Mason finally chirps up and I can just tell from the smile on his face that he's trying to rein in his last bit of self control as to not start laughing his face off in front of the blue eyed girl. 'I'm sure she won't even bother talking to you tomorrow now that she's gotten that out of the way.'

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