~ chapter 19 ☁️

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Throughout the next approximately 2 hours that the movie plays, I find myself enchanted by the storyline. I even find myself tearing up a couple times here and there and, of course, Mason doesn't fail to tease me at this. Though it's not as if he isn't as equally as engrossed in the movie as I am, despite this being his second time watching it.

We both lay casually on top of his duvet wrapped in blankets and lying with our heads at the foot of his bed instead of the top, nearest to the TV. Both of us rest next to each other on our sides, eagerly sharing the snacks that lay at the foot of the bed on the floor between us.

I love this position, it feels perfectly innocent in a way and lets me enjoy the movie without feeling like a whole load of pressure is on my shoulders. Saying that, I'd be lying if I said I didn't get butterflies every now and then when one of us would occasionally shift underneath the blanket allowing me to feel the touch of his warm skin pressed up against mine.

We both leave our phones on silent and resting on the desk directly next to his TV. It's a short enough distance away so that we can lean to look forward to see if something pops up on the screen- which I find myself doing a couple times during the movie when various friends message me.

Mason on the other hand, I notice, ends up doing this a lot throughout. And since my eyes keep reflexively end up wandering over there each time too due to the sound and light the notification spurs, I soon realise it's the same person continuously texting him. Except since the message is on Snapchat, all I can infer is that it's from someone called Alex. That, and the fact that this person is seemingly desperate for Mason to reply. Except he doesn't, even though I notice his eyes drifting to his phone each time it vibrates, he doesn't make any move to reach forward to text back.

About halfway, after like the fifth message in 10 minutes (and probably like the tenth overall), I can't help myself anymore.

'Are you not going to reply to your friend- Alex, is it?' I ask naturally, pointedly gesturing over to his lighted up phone screen.

'Nope, it's probably nothing.' He explains after primarily looking shocked at my sudden question but then soon recovering and shaking it off.

'Are you sure? You're not ghosting him, are you because he seems pretty relentless to me.' I tease with an arched brow.

'He? Oh, yeah... No, I'm sure he's fine. He's just one of those annoying texters, you know. He probably just wants me to see a stupid meme he's found or something.' he laughs tensely, his own eyebrows scrunching in confusion at my question before he seemingly quickly recomposes himself.

'Oh, okay. Is he one of the friends from home you met up with on the weekend?' I ask leaning forward in interest, always eager to know more about him as well as the life he had left behind a few months ago.

I'm referring to the weekend that had just passed as he had been on a visit to his hometown during it. Mason and Maxine go home quite often, which makes sense considering they had left behind a considerable amount of friends and family. Well that and the fact that their childhood home is only about an hours drive away which works out extremely conveniently.

'Erm, yeah actually. He was one of the ones I met up with. It was quite weird, to be honest, I haven't talked to he-him in ages.' He explains with a faraway look in his eyes as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.

Frowning at his change in demeanour and seeing how skittish and on edge he's become at the talk of this friend of his, I decide to stop pressing and drop the topic. Clearly something has gone down between them and I don't want to pry any further.

'Oh, well I'm glad you caught up anyway.' I dismiss positively, smiling.

'Me too. But how about we just forget about him for now and just enjoy what's happening with us right here, right now, yeah? I'll text him back and tell him to give it up.' He suggests, giving me a heart warming smile and snatching up his phone to seemingly do just that before putting it back a moment later and moving nearer to me.

My heart flutters at the sheer determination in his voice at having some 'us' time with our movie night. And it feels like it's for sure going to jump out of my chest any second now when he snuggles closer, pulling our shared blanket snugly around us.

His message seems to do the trick because his friend doesn't text again for the remainder of the movie and before I know it, the ending credits are rolling.

'Wow. I can't believe I've never watched that movie before.' I gush, still staring preoccupied at the screen and shaking my head in astonishment.

'I know,' he agrees as he chuckles at my reaction. 'Trust me, it's one of those movies that's going to play on your mind for a while.'

We further discuss the plot for a few minutes, both of us expressing our fondness of it. And while let's just say, now I totally understand the hype around it.

'Okay, well I need to go take a whizz. Why don't you start searching for another movie?' He suggests when we finish sharing our thoughts on the movie, springing up from the bed and stretching above me.

'I will. And whizz, really?' I say, snickering at his odd use of language.

'What?' he laughs defensively. 'Whatever you want to call it, wee, piss- I need to go.'

He playfully rolls his eyes at me, making me giggle before he walks out the room and down the hall. With a smile on my face, I turn back to to the TV and begin swiping through the various options Netflix has to offer.

It hasn't even been a minute since he left when his phone goes off. It's still muted so no ring is heard but again the loud vibrating and flashing of it on the desk can be heard throughout the room. Instinctively looking towards it, I can't help feeling nosey. And although I obviously have no intention to pick it up considering it's his phone, not mine- I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a bit curious to see who it is that's calling him. Not to mention I also have a strong inkling it may be this 'Alex' person again.

Eventually I find my interest getting the best of me, and I listen out to make sure he's still in the bathroom before I lean forward to catch a sneaky look at the contact.

And surprise, surprise, guess who it is? Alex, of course.

I roll my eyes, regretting having gotten out of my comfy and warm spot just for that before settling myself beneath the blanket again. Mason comes strolling back in a couple minutes later as I continue blankly scrolling through Netflix.

'You picked yet?' He asks, looking at me.

'Nope, not yet. But Alex did call while you were 'taking a whizz' by the way.' I snigger, still bemused as to why he would refer to it like that.

But Mason doesn't reply and when I look over to him, he looks anything but amused. In fact, he looks rather annoyed. And for one awful second, I think this is for whatever reason directed at me until I notice his fierce stare at his mobile phone.

Before I can say anything though, he stalks over to his desk and stiffly grabs hold of the black device.

'I'm gonna make a quick call, you keep looking for a movie, yeah?' he grunts, sounding irritated but flashing me a smile although even I can see how strained and fake it looks.

He hardly even allows me to reply before he's walked out again, closing the door with a loud thud behind him. I stare at the space he was just standing in, confused and worried. This must have been something to do with this Alex. But what could he have done to make Mason, who is usually so cheery and sweet act like this?

I turn back to the TV, continuing to flick through various titles but not really paying attention anymore. I can't help but be acutely aware of the fact that I can't actually hear anything on the other side of the door which means Mason must be speaking extremely quiet for whatever reason.

After getting bored of browsing the selection with no success, I eventually just decide on picking the first movie I come across next that even vaguely seems to pique my interest. And it turns out to be one I've never seen before called 'Charlie St. Cloud'.

If I'm being completely honest, it's description doesn't really jump out at me. Saying that however, Zac Efron stars in it so you can see why I end up picking it regardless.

I'm sure it's going to be an easy watch, something more light hearted than the emotional movie we just saw. That's why I end up totally not expecting what's to come and had I known it- well I definitely wouldn't have picked it in the first place.

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