~ chapter 3 ☁️

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The next morning Mason is walking me to my locker and those stupid butterflies as always are going crazy in my stomach. He's telling me another story about his younger sister who is 15 years old and won't stop sassing and annoying him now she's going through that part of puberty, you know the part when they start to think they know everything.

I'm not ashamed to say I stopped paying attention a while ago. It's just his face and his voice and everything about him is so goddamn distracting, how can I possibly be expected to pay attention to what he is saying and admire him all at the same time? Although I could never openly check him out like that, being the extremely shy girl I am, the prospect of ever being caught in itself would be enough to make me want to switch schools. No, I'm more the 'taking secret, short glances every so often when they're not looking' type of person.

And glances do I take- many, many glances at that. Mason has that kind of face and personality that draws everyone's attention to him. You know those types of people who can smile at you and it can literally feel like the sun is beaming in your face, he's that kind of boy. He has flawless dark skin any girl would be jealous of, big brown eyes, curly black hair and a smile to die for.

'Can you believe that? I swear she's too much at the moment.' he laughs, shaking his head at the thought of his sister.

I can't help but inwardly cringe as Asha's exact same words from yesterday echo in my mind, I guess this is a sign that I really need to get a hold of myself and stop daydreaming so much.

'No I can't, it sounds crazy.' I try and giggle naturally as if I had been paying attention and thankfully he doesn't seem to pick up on this.

We're now approaching my locker which makes me wish it was further away, especially when I see Piper and Asha there waiting for me as usual. I can already tell from the looks on their faces when they see us that the moment Mason will go, I will be teased mercilessly.

'Hey guys.' he smiles when we finally reach my locker.

They politely say their hello's back, eyes still sneakily glancing at me and I thank god when Mason's interaction with them is short lived and he glances back towards me.

'Anyway, I'll see you later in English lit, right Willow?' he asks with a hopeful look in his eyes at the mention of our shared lesson later in the day where we are seatmates.

Miss Franklin is definitely in my top three most hated teachers at this school but I absolutely love her for seating the then new boy next to me all those months ago.

'Yes you will.' I smile, and I can already feel my heart jumping in my chest in anticipation when he leans forward to hug me as he usually does when saying goodbye.

Piper is sure that alone cements the fact he has a crush on me. According to her, boys are vastly different creatures to girls and they don't hug every two minutes when saying goodbye like we do. She says the only reason behind a boy hugging a girl he's going to see later goodbye is if he is interested in her.

He waves at me before walking away into the crowd and I watch until he disappears from my view, sure I probably look like a love sick puppy right now.

My suspicions are confirmed when I turn back to my friends who are looking at me with teasing looks in their eyes, shaking their heads slightly at me while laughing.

'Girl, you've got it bad.' Asha sighs, pointing out the obvious and I don't even have it in me anymore to deny this as I used to do when their teasing first started.

Instead I just stand there with pink cheeks and a guilty look on my face, accepting her words.

How in the world I even got here, simping over a boy who I'm not even sure likes me, I'll never know.

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