~ chapter 5 ☁️

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I just stand there looking at him in surprise while he smirks cruelly at me. Everyone is staring and no one is looking away and I know I probably look like a mess right now.

'Oopsy daisy.' Eli sings under his breath, eyes lighted up at my misery as he takes in the aftermath of his 'accident' with an evil grin and it's only when his eyes settle on the table that I remember my drawing.

I gasp as I turn my attention to it. It is gone, positively ruined. The dark and murky water hasn't spilled onto the entire paper but a good part of it now looks byond recognition. I don't even bother picking it up becuase I know it's done for and now a part of me just feels empty inside, all those hours of work and excitement that I was creating something and now it was all for nothing.

The previously silent classroom is interrupted when Miss Cruz comes in and is instantly heading over to our corner to see what the commotion is all about.

'Oh no, what's happened here? she asks, eyebrows furrowing as her eyes sweep over Eli (whose still holding the now empty pot in his hands) and my wet figure.

'We had a little accident, I'm afraid.'

His tone and face are expressionless but I can  sense the smugness positively oozing from him, it wasn't an accident one bit and he doesn't reget it at all. I don't bother to argue though as I know it'd just be his word against mine and even then, it'd be seen as an accident and nothing more. I just stand there with my hands slightly fisted at my side, feeling defeated and deflated and just wanting to go home.

'Oh, Willow. Your drawing is ruined, and all that hard work too.' she sighs, finally setting eyes on my damp mess of a paper, and shaking her head as she steps closer to inspect it.

'The rest of you, stop gawking and get back to work.' she sternly demands as she goes to get some paper towels and instantly everyone is turning away but I can only bet what they're talking about.

'If only I wasn't so clumsy.' Eli taunts in mock regret, letting out an exaggerated sigh as he puts the pot onto the table.

He's openly smirking at me now that the class have gotten back to work and Miss Cruz is hovering over my work. I absolutely depsise the look in his eyes, it's as if he's silently  scremaing at me to never test him ever again.

My eyes are now teary and I keep blinking furiously to try and stop any tears from falling, the last thing I need is for him to see how unhappy he could make me, that would just be the icing on the cake for him. I can't help being overly sensitive though, I always have been and I hate it.

'Why do you have to be so mean?' I whisper pitifully, my bottom lip quivering as I try to desperately control myself from either lashing out at him or taking off.

I watch as the smirk drops from his face at my voice and now he's just staring at me stony faced.

'Miss, do you mind if I take a moment outside?' I ask quietly, desperately hoping she'll take pity on me so I can have a breather.

'Yes, of course, dear. I'll try and salvage this as best as I can and you go and try and clean yourself up in the toilets too.' She replies sympathetically as she hands me some paper towels, eyes softening as she takes in my wet and pathetic state.

I nod and try not to acknowledge Eli's piercing gaze that follows me as I walk to the door but I don't bother to look back.

'Eli! Don't just stand there like a fish out of water, go get some paper towels.' I hear her tell him off as I close the door behind me.

Instead of going straight to the girls bathroom though, I instantly head for the exit and towards the bench outside the art department.

The cool breeze helps calm me for a moment as I try and clean myself up using the papers but it's no use, my top is pretty much ruined. And at this point, I can only hope a good wash will save it.

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