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Lucius has always pride himself in being a Slytherin. He is sneaky, calm, collective, ambitious and above all self-preservative.

So, when professor riddle A.K.A dark lord yes of course he know his defence teacher is a bloody dark lord after all, he is a god damn Slytherin its his right to know everyone's secret and his father's 'you better follow your defence teacher's every instruction this year' didn't help his curiosity at all.

So, geez don't judge him for knowing whats so obvious.

Yes, back to the topic in hand.

So, he was nervous. Which any 13 year old would be when they are called by a very frustrated dark lord. Yes, frustrated. Not angry Which is a relief

That's why when his instincts were telling him to go to this 'meeting' he felt angry and betrayed by himself. He just don't understand why he feel the need to go.

he don't knowing what's wrong with him.

He feel confused not knowing what to do know now.

But most of all he feel curious, curious to know what his lord would want from him.

So at Last he decided to go.

- professor riddle's office -

He knocked the door twice as he wait for it to open.

' it was a bad idea' this though keep repeating in his mind.

He don't know when he became so foolish to go around knocking problem's door.

Then professor riddle open the door.

"What can I do for you mr.malfoy?" He ask.

Tom has already explained lucius about the consequences they will face if anyone find out about their little chat.

"I have few questions professor. I would be grateful if you could answer them" he said in his usual calm voice however he was anything but calm.

"Of course mr.malfoy come on in"

That's it.
Now he can't turn back.

Lucius saw as his lord throw some privacy charm.

Lucius kneel to the ground and bow his head in submission.

"My lord"

"Rise lucius have a seat" Tom said he was clearly enjoying this show of superiority.

A rich pureblood kneeling into submission calling him, his lord. He like it and why wouldn't he, when his whole life those filthy muggle has done nothing but treatment him like an inferior. A freak. An abomination and most of all weak he is alot of things but weak is not one of them.

So, yes he crave power because he knows what being powerless feels like.

He crave superiority because most of his life he have been treated like an inferior by not only those muggle but witches and wizards alike.

He crave their submission because he have been forced multiple time to submit to those people that aren't even worth the mud beneath his shoe.

All because of Albus Dumbledore. He wouldn't have raised the way he have if that old shit would have let him stay at Hogwart or at least supported him but no that damn old man didn't helped infact, he mad his time in his first real home miserable as if being a mud-blood in Slytherin isn't a torture.

So, for wanting those things you can call him whatever you want but what he truly is, a mere human.

They always do tends to want what they don't have.

So, Tom isn't anything special But it isn't the right time to think about those things.

Right now he want to know about his newly found threat (more like fear if you ask me) and who can do this task more efficiently then the boy who has been intrigued with her as much as him is. (Oh yah he notice things)

"Lucius I have a task for you."

"Anything my lord"

"Do you know miss.Peverell "

Lucius was confused by the sudden question about heaven but nevertheless he replied.

"Yes, my lord."

"Tell me everything you know" his lord demanded.

"My lord. She..she has made quite an impression on many Slytherin. She is powerful but not just powerful. She has knowledge, statues, beauty and more importantly morals. Every Slytherin want to be in her good grace. Many dispise her due to her choice of friends but they can't openly do anything about it due to her current status in Slytherin hierarchy. She is basically the unofficial queen as on her first day. she took down the king and his few court member without even trying. People don't want to challenge her position or have any guts to talk to her and neither has she acknowledge any of them or the fact that she is on the top of the food chain which leaves a very confused Slytherin.

And let's not forget about her "friends" she has a very odd tast in them. She befriend sirius black who is the black sheep of black family, then James potter a blood traitor, then remus lupin a half-blood all three of them are griffindore. Then she on her first day befriend a Slytherin outcast Severus Snape, half-blood with no money or status." Lucius ranted as Tom was looking at him in amusement.

Yes, he really did made a good decision choosing lucius to keep an eye on heaven.

When lucius realised what he was doing his cheeks are now red with embarrassment. How can he act like a bloody child infront of his lord. If his father hear about it he would kill him

" Oh no, no need to be embarrassed lucius. You were most informative."

"Thank you my lord"

" Yes, now this is your task you need to keep an eye on her find out everything about her. Do not disappoint me lucius. You won't like the consequences" make lucius gulp. "Now off you go"

That was all lucius need to run as fast as he can in pure-blood manner.

He quickly murmured the password the stone wall slide giving his the proper view of the common room.

He freeze when he saw heaven sitting on a throne like chair which wasn't there before smirking knowingly at him.

"Hello there lucius long time no see"

Oh merlin she knows about his meeting.

This is going to be hell a lot more harder then he originally thought it would be.

Why Morgan, why do you have to stuck him up between two devil's. Have some mercy on him he is only bloody thirteen.

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